Landmarks and Downtimes
Landmarks are the most notable and important buildings and other features of a Settlement. Once constructed and staffed by the appropriate members of the local Population, Landmarks provide specific benefits to the area and its people.
Downtime Actions Â
Key Landmarks and Settlements
Key Landmarks are the basis for a new Settlement somewhere new in the Theater. They form the center around which the community is constructed, and play a large role in the way it develops. Key Landmarks typically have many upgrades and add-ons available to improve them over time.  However, new Settlements out in the frontiers of civilization, beyond the reach of authorities and tradition always attract Darkness to them. Â
hunting village Buildings

Hunting Village
1 Labor, Forest – Peasants – Commerce : Darkness

Hunting Villages are constructed in Forest Areas and center around the production of Hide Bundles, meat and leather. Characters may spend their Downtime Action living and working in the village. This generates their Hunting Skill in Hide Bundles.

2 Labor, 4 Lumber, 4 Hide Bundles – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to Hunting Village

Spending a Downtime Action working in the Hunting Village also produces Hunting Skill x 3 in Scrap Leather and Hunting Skill in Heavy Leather.

2 Labor, 4 Lumber, 2 Iron Beams – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation- Add-On to Hunting Village

Allows the butchering of game animals for their meat. Spending a Downtime Action working in the Hunting Village also produces 3 x Hunting Skill in Meat and 1 Food.

2 Labor, 2 Lumber, 4 Hide Bundles, – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation- Add-On to Hunting Village

Spending a Downtime Action working in the Hunting Village also produces Hunting Skill x 3 in Honey and Hunting Skill in candles.

Mechanical Traps
Advanced Commerce – 4 Labor, 4 Iron Beams, Engineering Schematic – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation- Add-On to Hunting Village

Allows unskilled Labor to gather leather via the deployment of powerful mechanical jaw traps. Each Labor spent here produces 1 Hide Bundle. This does not count as a use of the Hunting Village.

Hunting Town Hall
Advanced Law – 10 Labor, 8 Stone, 12 Lumber, 4 Hide Bundles, 8 Canvas, Settlement Population 3+ – Gentry – Law : Decadence – Upgrades Hunting Village

Improved standards, logistics and taxes upgrade the Hunting Village to a Hunting Town. Towns produce Hide Bundles equal to their local Population, and half that much Food (round down), passively each Chapter.
Forester Village Buildings

Forester Village
1 Labor, Forest – Peasants – Commerce : Darkness

Forester Villages are constructed in Forest Areas and center around the production of Lumber and wood. Characters may spend their Downtime Action living and working in the village. This generates their Forestry Skill in Lumber, or more depending on Clearcutting Progress.

Clearcutting Progress
Special – Use increases progress
Every time a Downtime Action to gather Lumber is taken in a Forester Village, this Add-On automatically gains progress toward advancement. Every 10 Downtimes spent increases its level by 1. For each level, the outputs of Lumber and wood item generations are increased by 50%. When this reaches its 5th level, the Forest becomes depleted, and the area becomes a Plains instead. This makes further Downtime use of the Forestry Village impossible.

Forager’s Huts
2 Labor, 4 Lumber – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation- Add-On to Forestry Village

Spending a Downtime Action working in the Forester Village also produces 3 x Forestry Skill in Vegetables.

Hare Trapper Camps
2 Labor, 1 Iron Beam, 2 Hide Bundles, 2 Lumber – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to Forester Village

Spending a Downtime Action working in the Forester Village also produces Forestry Skill in Meat and generates 1 Food.

Tanning Racks
2 Labor, 4 Lumber – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to Hare Trapper Camps

Spending a Downtime Action working in the Forester Village also produces Forestry Skill in Scrap Leather and generates 1 Hide Bundle.

Charcoal Kilns
2 Labor, 4 Stone – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to Forester Village

Working in the Forester Village also produces 3 x Forestry Skill in Charcoal and 1 Fuel.

2 Labor, 4 Lumber – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to Forester Village

Spending a Downtime Action working in the Forester Village also produces 3 x Forestry Skill in Softwood or Hardwood. At Clearcutting Progress 1 to 3, this produces Softwood. At Clearcutting Progress 4, this produces Hardwood.

Advanced Commerce – 3 Labor, 4 Lumber, 4 Iron Beams, 4 Hide Bundles, Engineering Schematic – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to Forestry Village

Allows unskilled Labor to gather Lumber via the use of heavy machinery. Each Labor spent here produces 1 Lumber. This does not count as a use of the Forester’s Village.

Forester Town Hall
Advanced Law – 10 Labor, 8 Stone, 12 Lumber, 4 Hide Bundles, 8 Canvas, Settlement Population 3+ – Gentry – Law : Decadence – Upgrades Forester Village

Improved standards, logistics and taxes upgrade the Forester Village to a Forester Town. Towns produce Lumber equal to their local Population passively each Chapter.
Mining Village Buildings

Mining Village
1 Labor, Mountain or Hill – Peasants – Commerce : Darkness

Mining Villages are constructed in Mountain or Hill Areas and center around the production of metal, stone and fuel. At founding, a mine is opened for a specific resource – Iron Mine, Coal Mine, or Stone Quarry. Iron Mines may only be opened on Mountains, and Coal Mines may only be opened on Hills.
Characters may spend their Downtime Action living and working in the village. This generates their Mining Skill in either Iron Beams, Fuel, or Stone, as appropriate. This is multiplied by Shaft Depth.

Shaft Depth
Special – Improves with Use
The depth of the main shaft increases over time. Every time a Downtime Action to gather the main material is taken in a Mining Village, this Add-On automatically gains progress toward advancement. Every 10 Downtimes spent increases its level by 1. For each level, the outputs of Iron, Stone or Fuel item generations are increased by 50%. Each time the Depth increases, there is a chance that the mine permanently collapses, which is a Risk for those who use it.

Rock Hoist
2 Labor, 2 Lumber, 2 Hide Bundles – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to Iron and Coal Mining Village

A crude device to haul up excess rock, with some still able to be repurposed. When Downtimes are taken in an Iron Mining or Coal Mining Village, they also generate 1 Stone.

Small Iron Shaft
2 Labor, 4 Lumber, 4 Iron Beams – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to Stone Quarry or Coal Mining Village

A narrow-vein of Iron made available for limited exploitations. When a Downtime is taken in a Coal Mining or Stone Quarrying Village, they also generate 1 Iron Beam.

Small Coal Shaft
2 Labor, 4 Lumber, 4 Iron Beams – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to Stone Quarry or Coal Mining Village

A narrow-vein of coal made available for limited exploitations. When a Downtime is taken in an Iron Mining or Stone Quarrying Village, they also generate 1 Fuel.

Mountain Skidrow
4 Labor, 4 Iron Beams – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to any mountain Mining Village

A cleared crevice in the rock to send surface trees down the mountainside for later use. Spending a Downtime Action working in the Mining Village also produces 1 Lumber.

2 Labor, 4 Iron Beams, 4 Stone – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add on to Iron Mine

Spending a Downtime Action working in the Iron Mining Village also produces 3 x Mining Skill in Soft Iron and 1 x Mining Skill in Hard Iron.

Heavy Drill
Advanced Commerce – 3 Labor, 4 Lumber, 4 Iron Beams, 4 Hide Bundles, Engineering Schematic – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to any Mining Village

Allows unskilled Labor to gather in the main shaft via the use of heavy machinery. Each Labor spent here produces 1 Iron Beam, Fuel, or Stone as appropriate. This does not count as a use of the Mining Village.

Mining Town Hall
Advanced Law – 10 Labor, 8 Stone, 12 Lumber, 4 Hide Bundles, 8 Canvas, Settlement Population 3+ – Gentry – Law : Decadence – Upgrades Mining Village

Improved standards, logistics and taxes upgrade the Mining Village to a Mining Town. Towns produce material from their main shaft equal to their local Population passively each Chapter.
Rancher Village Buildings

Rancher Village
1 Labor, Hills – Peasants – Commerce : Darkness

A Rancher Village is land set aside for the care of animals. These are built upon grazing hills and center around the shepherding of sheep for their wool, though they may expand to handle many kinds of herds. Rancher Villages rotate their sheep husbandry so that sheering can happen throughout the year.
Characters may spend their Downtime Action living and working in the village. This generates their Farming Skill in Canvas, increased based on the level of Herds. Each action also makes progress toward the development of the Herds.

Special – Improves with Use
Herds represents the overall scale of the Ranching operation in this Village. Every 10 Downtime Actions spent in the Village improves the Herds rating by 1. Each level of Herds increases output of wool and Canvas by 50%. Herds has a maximum value of 5.Â

3 Labor, 4 Lumber, 4 Iron Beams, 4 Hide Bundles, 1 Herd, Sheep Stock – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to Rancher Village

Spending a Downtime Action working in the Rancher Village also produces Farming Skill in Wool, increased by the size of Herds.

3 Labor, 4 Lumber, 4 Iron Beams, 4 Hide Bundles, Horse Stock – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to Rancher Village

Horses are bred and trained at the stables. Once a new herd of horses is founded, it takes a great deal of time to train and raise a new generation of horses. Once per year in Early Summer, at the cost of 1 Herd, the Stables may produce 1 unit of Mounts or one Horse Stock. A Downtime may be spent at the Stables to train a single Riding Horse or Draft Horse. This does not count as a use of the Ranching Village.

Aurochs Pens
Advanced Commerce – 3 Labor, 4 Lumber, 4 Iron Beams, 4 Hide Bundles, 1 Herd, Aurochs Stock – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to Rancher Village

Aurochs can be set to graze upon the fields. Their huge appetites require dedicated land to their care, meaning less for other animals. Aurochs are huge beasts, and produce a great deal of meat. Spending a Downtime Action working in the Rancher Village also produces 3 x Farming Skill in Meat and 1 Food per Herd.

Advanced Commerce – 3 Labor, 4 Lumber, 4 Iron Beams, 4 Hide Bundles, Engineering Schematic – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to Ranching Village

Allows unskilled Labor to produce Canvas via the use of heavy machinery. Each Labor spent here produces 1 Canvas. This does not count as a use of the Ranching Village.

Rancher Town Hall
Advanced Law – 10 Labor, 8 Stone, 12 Lumber, 4 Hide Bundles, 8 Canvas, Settlement Population 3+ – Gentry – Law : Decadence – Upgrades Rancher Village

Improved standards, logistics and taxes upgrade the Rancher Village to a Rancher Town. Towns produce Canvas equal to their local Population passively each Chapter, and can manage an extra 2 Herds.
Farming Village Buildings

Farming Village
1 Labor, Plains – Peasants – Commerce : Darkness

A Farming Village is land set aside for the growing of crops. This is typically to produce large amounts of Food for the local population. Farming Villages use a mix of various crops so that Food is being harvested for most of the year. Each Chapter, a Farming Village automatically produces its Population in Food for each level of Fields.
Characters may spend their Downtime Action living and working in the village. This generates their Farming Skill in additional Food, and makes progress on the Fields. Farms do not produce any Food during the Winter season.

Special – Improves with Use
Fields represents the overall scale of the farming operation in this Village. Every 10 Downtime Actions spent in the Village improves the Fields rating by 1. Fields has a maximum value of 5. Some Add-Ons require part of the Fields be dedicated to their use, reducing this number to create.

Hemp Crofts
2 Labor, 4 Lumber, 1 Fields – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to Farming Village

Hemp and flax are grown in smaller fields. Spending a Downtime Action working in the Farming Village also produces 3 x Farming Skill in Hemp and 1 Canvas.

2 Labor, 4 Lumber – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to Farming Village

Spending a Downtime Action working in the Farming Village also produces Farming Skill in Vegetables for each level of Fields.

2 Labor, 4 Lumber, 2 Hide Bundles, 2 Canvas – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to Farming Village

Part of the Food crop can be fed to pigs for fattening. Spending a Downtime Action working in the Farming Village also produces Farming Skill x 3 in Meat and 1 Food. During Early or Late Summer, the fattened pigs are slaughtered and Food Production for that Chapter is doubled.

Heavy Plow
Advanced Commerce – 3 Labor, 4 Lumber, 4 Iron Beams, 4 Hide Bundles, Engineering Schematic – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to Farming Village

Allows unskilled Labor actions to work directly on the Fields, increasing their progress by 1 Action. This does not count as a use of the Farming Village.

Farming Town Hall
Advanced Law – 10 Labor, 8 Stone, 12 Lumber, 4 Hide Bundles, 8 Canvas, Settlement Population 3+ – Gentry – Law : Decadence – Upgrades Farming Village

Improved standards, logistics and taxes upgrade the Farming Village to a Farming Town. Towns produce Food even during Winter months, and can manage an extra 2 Fields.
harbor Buildings

1 Labor, Coastal – Merchants – Commerce : Darkness

Deep water suitable for the safe landing of ships. Small Ships may dock here safely to take on and offload cargo.

Fishing Piers
4 Labor, 8 Lumber – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-on to Harbor

Spending a Downtime Action fishing produces 3 x Hunting Skill in Meat and 1 Food. Passively produces 3 Food.

Advanced Commerce – 18 Labor, 24 Lumber, 4 Stone, 8 Iron Beams, 8 Canvas, 4 Hide Bundles – Merchants – Commerce : Decadence, Exploitation

A series of wharves, linked warehouses and the dockside attractions that sailors love. Allows the hiring of crew for ships.

8 Labor, 24 Stone, 4 Lumber, 4 Iron Beams – Peasants – Commerce

Lighthouses permit foreign ships to dock at the harbor. This allows trade to come from far-off lands. Allows a Downtime Action to be spent to arrange a single trade deal with a foreign port.

10 Labor, 8 Lumber, 4 Iron Beams, 8 Hide Bundles – Merchants – Commerce : Exploitation – Add-On to Harbor

Ships may be constructed here. Each Ship is constructed as a Landmark, but it is capable of undertaking Risky voyages for other Harbors throughout the world. See [Ships] for details.

Small Ship
15 Labor, 10 Lumber, 10 Canvas, 4 Hide Bundles

Speed: 3
Size: 1
Compartments: 2

Medium Ship
30 Labor, 20 Lumber, 20 Canvas, 10 Hide Bundles

Speed: 2
Size: 2
Compartments: 4

Large Ship
45 Labor, 30 Lumber, 30 Canvas, 20 Hide Bundles

Speed: 1
Size: 3
Compartments: 6

Advanced Commerce – 25 Labor, 18 Lumber, 5 Iron Beams – Merchants – Upgrades Harbor

A dredged seafloor and expanded wharves allows the docking and launching of Medium Hull ships, and trade relations from neighboring countries.

Master Commerce – 60 Labor, 45 Lumber, 24 Iron Beams – Merchants – Upgrades Dockyards

A fathomless seabed and endless wharves and slips make this an ideal home for any kind of vessel. Large Hulls can be constructed and received at this harbor, and trade relations from anywhere in the known world are possible.
other landmarks & Buildings
The following landmarks, along with many more private Landmarks located HERE, may be constructed in existing settlements.

Basic Commerce – 3 Labor, 4 Lumber, 4 Hide Bundles, 4 Canvas – Merchants – Commerce : Exploitation

Choose one at the time of creation – Blacksmithing, Carpentry, or Tailoring. This represents a modest district of professionals and craftsfolk, where it is easy to find temporary work and time to craft things of ones own on the side. These passively add goods of the appropriate variety to the common shop for purchase with the Mercantalism Skill. Spending a Downtime Action here allows two extra crafting Actions of the appropriate Skill. Staff will exchange finished product for materials at the start of next Event.

Crafting District
Advanced Commerce – 15 Labor, 12 Lumber, 8 Iron Beams, 4 Hide Bundles, 4 Canvas – Merchants – Commerce : Exploitation

Spending a Downtime Action here allows five extra crafting Actions of the appropriate Skill. Staff will exchange finished product for materials at the start of next Event.

Basic Tradition – 12 Labor, 1 Lumber, 2 Iron Beams, 12 Stone – Peasants – Tradition

Up to 5 dead Population will be automatically buried in the Graveyard, rather than becoming Corpse Heaps.

Advanced Tradition – 24 Labor, 8 Lumber, 12 Iron Beams, 26 Stone – Peasants – Tradition

A deeply built tomb heading down and downward under the Settlement. Up to 20 dead Population will be automatically buried in the Necropolis, rather than becoming Corpse Heaps.

Basic Commerce – 4 Labor, 8 Wood, 8 Hide Bundles – Peasants – Commerce : Exploitation

A Granary can store Food long-term, rather than having unused Food be wasted. Each Granary may automatically store an excess of 20 Food, which can be released in case of shortfall.

Civic Monument
8 Labor, 8 Stone – Unstaffed – Tradition : Decadence

The creator may describe the monument and what it represents. Citizens of the city will know this story.

10 Labor, 12 Lumber, 4 Iron Beams, 4 Stone, 8 Canvas, 8 Hide Bundles – Gentry – Decadence

For each artifact with a strong tie to the city’s story, the Museum produces 1 Tradition virtue. Museums have a space on the website to show their exhibits.
50 Labor, 24 Stone, 12 Iron Beams, 4 Lumber, Engineering Schematic – Darkness – Unstaffed
Once completed the Sewer System prevents the rapid spread of Disease Outbreaks, but also provides an undercity where creatures and outcasts can dwell.
cultural Buildings
These Landmarks are peculiar to a specific Culture. They can only be Staffed and activated when the relevant culture is dominant in the Reich. This means that Culture constitutes a majority of the local Population.  If the Cultural balance ever shifts and that group is no longer a majority, the Landmarks lose their Staff and cannot be used until it shifts again.

Basic Tradition – 3 Labor, 4 Lumber, 4 Hide Bundles, 4 Canvas – MerchantsTradition / Exploitation
Cultural: Gothic

The Rathaus keeps orderly records on all goings on, managing schedules and supplies. Gothic characters in the Reich receive two additional Effort during each their Actions.

Advanced Tradition – 10 Labor, 4 Lumber, 8 Stone, 8 Canvas, 8 Hide Bundles – Peasants – Add-On to Farming VillageTradition / Decadence
Cultural: Gothic

Farming operations are overseen by monks dedicated to the practice. Monks test soil, crossbreed germlines, refine crop rotation, and make other improvements to increase resiliency and yield. The maximum amount of Fields such farms can manage is increased by 3.

Basic Tradition – 3 Labor, 6 Lumber, 2 Iron Beams, 4 Hide Bundles – PeasantsTradition / Decadence
Cultural: Njordic

The meadhall is a place of celebration and storytelling, and they produce the finest mead using traditional Njordic methods. Njord characters in the Reich may consume mead while Resting to become Inspired.

Basic Tradition – 3 Labor, 6 Lumber, 2 Iron Beams, 4 Hide Bundles – PeasantsTradition / Decadence
Cultural: Njordic

A place for warriors to congregate and tell tales of their exploits, while keeping out of most trouble in the meantime. Branded Men in the Reich may summon their Warriors immediately as an Order.

Bardic College
Basic Tradition – 3 Labor, 4 Lumber, 4 Hide Bundles, 4 Canvas – MerchantsTradition / Decadence
Cultural: Rogalian

Bards congregate, tell tales and sing of the Rogalian Houses and their deeds, both heroic and nefarious. Rogalian characters in the Reich wearing the house colors, uniforms, or sigils of their Home may benefit from the Renown perk related to that House.

Conscription Prison
Advanced Tradition – 10 Labor, 12 Lumber, 8 Stone, 8 Hide Bundles – GentryTradition / Darkness
Cultural: Rogalian

A yard for the whipping into order of conscripts. Unemployed Scum may be Levied, generating Exploitation every Chapter they remain as warfare units.

Basic Tradition – 3 Labor, 2 Iron Beams, 2 Stone, 4 Lumber, 4 Hide Bundles – MerchantsTradition / Decadence
Cultural: Dunnick

A welcoming place to have a drink and talk about better days. Dunnick characters in the Reich may add or modify a Rumor each chapter.

Traveler’s Caravan
Advanced Tradition – 10 Labor, 12 Lumber, 8 Hide Bundles – PeasantsTradition / Exploitation
Cultural: Dunnick

A place set aside for Dunnick travelers and their wagons. Travelers can be useful folk, if you don’t cross them. Dunnick Scum can Staff any Landmark, even while acting as Knaves, Brigands or Villains. They generate Exploitation each Chapter they Staff a Landmark.

Basic Tradition – 3 Labor, 8 Canvas, 4 Lumber– MerchantsTradition / Decadence
Tradition / Decadence
Cultural: Hestrali

Hestrali characters in the Reich do not lose Inspired at the end of the Scene unless they expend it.

Advanced Tradition – 10 Labor, 12 Lumber, 8 Canvas – MerchantsTradition / Exploitation
Cultural: Hestrali

A warren of bazaars, shops, peddlers and stalls, most temporary and with quickly changing inventory. Only those familiar with these chaotic marketplaces can find and haggle free the best deals without losing their purse. Businesses that make the most of the chaos can make a killing. Influence expenditures and transactions through the Mercantile skill or similar abilities made by Hestrali characters take priority.

Basic Tradition – 3 Labor, 8 Canvas, 4 Stone, 4 Lumber – GentryTradition / Decadence
Cultural: Capacian

A gathering place hosted by a local luminary to discuss the latest ideas, receive and give criticism, read their own works and hear the works and ideas of other intellectuals. Capacians in the Reich can follow more than one Morale Leader.

Advanced Tradition – 10 Labor, 12 Lumber, 8 Hide Bundles – GentryAdd-on to Stables
Tradition / Decadence
Cultural: Capacian

Horses produced in the attached stables are trained and bred by masters to the finest stock available. They produce 2 Mounts or Horse Stock instead of 1. Spending a Downtime here with a Riding Horse can turn it into a Warhorse.

Basic Tradition – 3 Labor, 8 Canvas, 4 Stone, 4 Lumber – MerchantsTradition / Exploitation
Cultural: Shariqyn

A safe gathering place for Shariqyn merchants and the necessary contacts for them to do business locally. Shariqyn characters may send and receive letters from anywhere in the world without risk or cost through the Shariqyn trading networks.

Advanced Tradition – 10 Labor, 12 Lumber, 4 Hide Bundles, 4 Canvas – Saqim
Tradition / Decadence
Cultural: Shariqyn

Characters who speak Shariq’a may spend their Downtime here for 3 Research Actions.
special Buildings
The following Landmarks are special cases.

1 Labor
Paths allow 1 unit of Supply resources to be carried, for the cost of 1 Labor, to another Settlement with connected Paths. Wagons and Draft Horses may be used to carry more at once. Paths can be created in Settlements with no Key Landmark.

5 Labor, 10 Stone – Upgrades Paths
Roads are paved and durable pathways between settlements suitable for the use of Wagons and Caravans. This makes transporting Supply more effective. Roads can be created in Settlements with no Key Landmark.

Stockpiles are created automatically as soon as there are any Supply units present in the Settlement from productive activities. Stockpiles are not secure and can be accessed by anyone.

Corpse Heap
Special – Darkness
Corpse Heaps are huge piles of the dead littering the streets, attracting corpsers and other unwholesome Night creatures. They occur when at least one full unit of Population is killed through some disaster. It takes 3 Labor to remove a Corpse Heap through ad-hoc burial and burning. A Graveyard or Necropolis with sufficient space can prevent the accumulation of corpses in the streets.

Special – Darkness
Ruins are the remains the buildings of previous inhabitants. They have been destroyed by time or tragedy, and now serve only as places for hidden things to gather and dark memories to persist. They require 2 Labor to dismantle and yield 2 Stone.
Some buildings are the private property of enterprising Organizations. These groups draw members of the general Population into their private service in order to serve their more personal ends. Typically, while some of these may have some public output, such as a specialist artisan producing goods for the market, they work at the command of the leaders and officers that employ them. Â
For more details about Organizations, read HERE.