Herbs, Drugs, and Poisons

Herbs, Drugs and Poisons

Herbs are gathered by characters with the Woodsman ability from the Survival Skill and used by Apothecaries to produce effects, both helpful and harmful to the human body, from the saps, unguents, seeds, juice, and other pulps and parts of various herbs.  The skills of woodsmen and apothecaries are looked upon with some level of suspicion by common people because woods witches and druids are known to use these techniques as well, though they are able to produce effects that common apothecaries cannot begin to reproduce.  Most woodsmen and apothecaries are benign people simply seeking to benefit from nature, but their association with heresy, witchcraft, poison, and their refusal to rely only on the sacred medicine of the Hospitalier Order are all grounds to keep them at arm’s length.

When a character with the Woodsman (Survival 3) ability locates an herb in game, they may pick up the herb and turn it in as a Task in order to receive the appropriate tag. A character may only naturally carry one herb at a time, but means such as Gathering Pouches exist to increase that limit.


Herb Traits

All herbs have three traits naturally from the below list.  Early on, practitioners attempted to name the traits of herbs by the effects they could draw from them in their mixtures.  However, as the apothecary arts became more sophisticated, these names became less purely indicative of a given herbs effects when properly brewed.  Still, these traits have become the common parlance of the craft, even if they aren’t always accurate.

Focus Aid
Immune Shock


Rare Herb Traits 

Some extremely rare herbs and other strange substances contain traits that are beyond the understanding of all but Master Apothecaries.  



Each drug produced by an apothecary is unique in a number of ways including delay, potency, application and specific.  Please read each recipe carefully for all the relevant details.  Also note that each Trait required by a recipe must be satisfied by its own Herb.

Item NameSkill RequirementApplicationEffectEffortMaterials
ExtractionBasicN/ASplit the input Herb into two Herbs- each with a single Trait present in the original Herb. Any Traits beyond these two are lost.11 Herb with at least two Traits
A Thousand CutsBasicApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.A skilled user may call Poison Bleed immediately after a Hit, even if the Hit was successively defended.11 Herb with the Stimulant Trait, 1 Herb with the Relaxant Trait
Whip's StingBasicApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.A skilled user may call Poison Pain immediately after a Hit, even if the Hit was successively defended.11 Herb with the Irritant Trait, 1 Herb with the Excitant Trait
Stumble OilBasicApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.A skilled user may call Poison Knockdown 5 Beats after a Hit, even if the Hit was successively defended.11 Herb with the Relaxant Trait, 1 Herb with the Paralytic
Sailor's BaneBasicApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.A skilled user may call Poison Stun 5 Beats after a Hit, even if the Hit was successively defended.11 Herb with the Paralytic Trait, 1 Herb with the Neurotoxin Trait
WindthiefBasicApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.A skilled user may call Poison Shock 5 Beats after a Hit, even if the Hit was successively defended.11 Herb with the Excitant Trait, 1 Herb with the Mindburner Trait
NightmangeBasicIngestedSlow Poison 2. Target must spend Discipline to consume this due to the foul taste and it cannot be hidden. After thirty minutes, target gains one additional use of Discipline for the next hour or until used.11 Herb with the Foul Trait, 1 Herb with the Focus Aid Trait
Painter's BrewBasicIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, targets one additional level in the Performance skill for the next hour. In addition, target gains the Minor Delusion that the last significant scene they were a part of was spiritually important to them for the duration.11 Herb with the Hallucinogen Trait, 1 Herb with the Clarifier Trait
Lost BoyBasicIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, the target gains the Belief: Never Do What You're Told To Do, and a Minor Delusion that everyone is trying to tell them what to do for the next hour.11 Herb with the Irritant Trait, 1 Herb with the Hallucinogen Trait
Goblin GrassBasicInhalant SmokeIntoxicating (3) after five minutes of exposure. If a character becomes intoxicated from this, they gain Comfort and their Revelry trait for beer activates as if they had become intoxicated on Beer.11 Herb with the Intoxicant Trait, 1 Herb with the Fortifier Trait
Siren's SongBasicInhalant SmokeIntoxicating (3) after five minutes of exposure. If a character becomes intoxicated from this, they gain Luxury and their Revelry trait for wine/spirits activates as if they had become intoxicated on wine or spirits.11 Herb with the Intoxicant Trait, 1 Herb with the Pleasant Trait
Shariqyn LevyBasicIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, the target falls asleep and cannot be awoken for thirty minutes. Light Sleeper has no effect during this time.11 Herb with the Soporific Trait, 1 Herb with the Undetectable Trait Trait
Soldier's SmokeBasicInhalant SmokeSlow Poison 2. After five minutes of exposure, target ignores the effects of Trauma and Miserable for two hours. Target gains or increases a Compulsion to seek out and use this drug.11 Herb with the Pleasant Trait, 1 Herb with the Addictive Trait
God's EyeBasicInhalant SmokeSlow Poison 2. After five minutes of exposure, target hallucinates for one hour about subjects relevant to their current story.11 Herb with the Hallucinogen Trait, 1 Herb with the Intoxicant Trait
Istra's ArmBasicIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, target gains a Minor Strength Affliction.11 Herb with the Relaxant Trait, 1 Herb with the Intoxicant Trait
Walderrick's MarchBasicIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, target gains a Minor Speed Affliction.11 Herb with the Paralytic Trait, 1 Herb with the Intoxicant Trait
Samael's DripBasicIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, target gains a Minor Fortitude Affliction.11 Herb with the Immune Shock Trait, 1 Herb with the Intoxicant Trait
Dullard's TeaBasicIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, target gains a Minor Intellect Affliction.11 Herb with the Neurotoxin Trait, 1 Herb with the Intoxicant Trait
Blue DevilBasicIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, target gains a Minor Faith Affliction.11 Herb with the Depressant Trait, 1 Herb with the Intoxicant Trait
Smiler's SaltsBasicIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, target gains a Minor Resolve Affliction.11 Herb with the Mindburner Trait, 1 Herb with the Intoxicant Trait
Maiden's WrathBasicApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.Slow Poison. After thirty minutes, target gains a Minor Strength Affliction.11 Herb with the Relaxant Trait, 1 Herb with the Apathetic Trait
MudfootBasicApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.Slow Poison. After thirty minutes, target gains a Minor Speed Affliction.11 Herb with the Paralytic Trait, 1 Herb with the Apathetic Trait
Badger's BiteBasicApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.Slow Poison. After thirty minutes, target gains a Minor Fortitude Affliction.11 Herb with the Immune Shock Trait, 1 Herb with the Apathetic Trait
Noggin KnockerBasicApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.Slow Poison. After thirty minutes, target gains a Minor Intellect Affliction.11 Herb with the Neurotoxin Trait, 1 Herb with the Apathetic Trait
Bishop's BiteBasicApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.Slow Poison. After thirty minutes, target gains a Minor Faith Affliction.11 Herb with the Depressant Trait, 1 Herb with the Apathetic Trait
Doubting DustBasicApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.Slow Poison. After thirty minutes, target gains a Minor Resolve Affliction.11 Herb with the Mindburner Trait, 1 Herb with the Apathetic Trait
Auroch's BloodBasicIngestedSlow Poison 2. Target must spend a Discipline to consume this due to the foul taste and it cannot be hidden. After one hour, the target may recover from a Minor Strength Affliction.11 Herb with the Steroid Trait, 1 Herb with the Foul Trait
Hare's BlessingBasicIngestedSlow Poison 2. Target must spend a Discipline to consume this due to the foul taste and it cannot be hidden. After one hour, the target may recover from a Minor Speed Affliction.11 Herb with the Stimulant Trait, 1 Herb with the Foul Trait
Stone SyrupBasicIngestedSlow Poison 2. Target must spend a Discipline to consume this due to the foul taste and it cannot be hidden. After one hour, the target may recover from a Minor Fortitude Affliction.11 Herb with the Fortifier Trait, 1 Herb with the Foul Trait
ClearleafBasicIngestedSlow Poison 2. Target must spend a Discipline to consume this due to the foul taste and it cannot be hidden. After one hour, the target may recover from a Minor Intellect Affliction.11 Herb with the Nimblemind Trait, 1 Herb with the Foul Trait
Penance DraughtBasicIngestedSlow Poison 2. Target must spend a Discipline to consume this due to the foul taste and it cannot be hidden. After one hour, the target may recover from a Minor Faith Affliction.11 Herb with the Clarifier Trait, 1 Herb with the Foul Trait
Coward's CureBasicIngestedSlow Poison 2. Target must spend a Discipline to consume this due to the foul taste and it cannot be hidden. After one hour, the target may recover from a Minor Resolve Affliction.11 Herb with the Focus Aid Trait, 1 Herb with the Foul Trait
MoonteaBasicIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, the target cannot conceive offspring for one Chapter. Applies one Discomfort for the Chapter.11 Herb with the Purger Trait, 1 Herb with the Irritant Trait
Goblin DungBasicContactTarget substance that this is applied to now requires anyone trying to consume it to spend a Discipline to overcome the foul taste.11 Herb with the Irritant Trait, 1 Herb with the Foul Trait
InkBasicN/ACan be used to write up to 20 pages of notes or letters.13 Herbs (any)
IncenseBasicN/AUsed as part of certain rituals13 Herbs (any)
DistillationAdvancedN/ASplit the input Herb into three Herbs- each with a single Trait present in the original Herb. Any Traits beyond these three are lost.21 Herb with at least three Traits
Withering SaltAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, the target becomes Exhausted and cannot Recover for the rest of the Period.21 Herb with the Soporific Trait, 1 Herb with the Immune Shock Trait
Viper's KissAdvancedApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.A skilled user may call Poison Strike 5 Beats after a Hit, even if the Hit was successively defended.21 Herb with the Immune Shock Trait, 1 Herb with the Purger Trait
Last GoodnightAdvancedApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.A skilled user may call Poison Blackout 5 Beats after a Hit, even if the Hit was successively defended.21 Herb with the Soporific Trait, 1 Herb with the Paralytic Trait
LockjointAdvancedApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.A skilled user may call Poison Grab 5 Beats after a Hit, even if the Hit was successively defended.21 Herb with the Paralytic Trait, 1 Herb with the Anesthetic Trait
Dumal's StandAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, the target may use Injured limbs for one hour. After one hour, the target becomes Exhausted.21 Herb with the Anesthetic Trait, 1 Herb with the Clarifier Trait
GreyveilAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison. After thirty minutes, the target gains the following effects for the rest of the Period: they may carry heavy objects and dig as if they had Impressive Strength, they may Exploit one additional time from each Gathering Node they have the skill to gather from, and they gain three Effort toward any Crafting Action. Until the end of the next Chapter, they become Miserable whenever they wake up, may not defend against any Obey call, may not participate in Functions, and are unable to express emotion or derive pleasure from any source.21 Herb with the Addictive Trait, 1 Herb with the Depressant Trait
Torchlight TeaAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, the target becomes Alert after the sun goes down and whenever they are in a dark space for the next twenty four hours. For the duration, they suffer the effects of Battered outdoors during the day.21 Herb with the Focus Aid Trait, 1 Herb with the Excitant Trait
GrimchewAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, the target treats their Grit as if it were two levels higher for the purposes of being Battered for the rest of the Period.21 Herb with the Excitant Trait, 1 Herb with the Anesthetic Trait
Witch PoulticeAdvancedContactWhen applied to wounds as a poultice and held in place with a Bandage, a Battered or Injured target will become Healthy after four hours of rest. Strenuous activity such as combat during this four hours will ruin the effect.21 Herb with the Restorative Trait, 1 Herb with the Anesthetic Trait
Madwife's OutburstAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, the target becomes manic for the rest of the Period and may shout their Bonds, Beliefs and Devotion in order to call Nerve even if they would not be relevant to the scene.21 Herb with the Excitant Trait, 1 Herb with the Neurotoxin Trait
Knight's FollyAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After five minutes, the target becomes immune to Stunning Conditions for the next hour. The target permanently gains or increases a Compulsion to seek out and use this drug. (addictive)21 Herb with the Addictive Trait, 1 Herb with the Anesthetic Trait
Lion's Last RoarAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After five minutes, the target gains the effects of Impressive Strength for the next hour. At the end of the hour, the target becomes Exhausted. The target permanently gains or increases a Compulsion to seek out and use this drug. (addictive)21 Herb with the Steroid Trait, 1 Herb with the Addictive Trait
Courier's HasteAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After five minutes, the target gains the effects of Impressive Speed for the next hour. At the end of the hour, the target becomes Exhausted. The target permanently gains or increases a Compulsion to seek out and use this drug. (addictive)21 Herb with the Stimulant Trait, 1 Herb with the Addictive Trait
StonebonesAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After five minutes, the target gains the effects of Impressive Fortitude for the next hour. At the end of the hour, the target becomes Exhausted. The target permanently gains or increases a Compulsion to seek out and use this drug. (addictive)21 Herb with the Fortifier Trait, 1 Herb with the Addictive Trait
Brew of RegretsAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After five minutes, the target will begin violently puking and the effects of any ingested drugs they have consumed in the last thirty minutes will be removed. The target becomes Exhausted and Miserable. This can also be used to terminate a pregnancy.21 Herb with the Purger Trait, 1 Herb with the Antidote Trait
Husband's EulogyAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, the target becomes Battered. After another hour, the target becomes Dying.21 Herb with the Restorative Trait, 1 Herb with the Undetectable Trait
WinterchillAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, the target gains Despair.21 Herb with the Depressant Trait, 1 Herb with the Irritant Trait
CatharsisAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, the target gains Despair. After an hour of appropriately roleplaying their Despair the target loses two Despair.21 Herb with the Depressant Trait, 1 Herb with the Clarifier Trait
Prince's BaneAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, the target becomes Battered for an hour. After that hour, they fall asleep and appear dead until the end of the Period. Light Sleeper has no effect during this time.21 Herb with the Soporific Trait, Undetectable Trait Trait
Smelling SaltsAdvancedInhalant PowderSlow Poison. A sleeping target instantly awakens, even if they are under the effects of Blackout or a drug that would otherwise keep them asleep. The target immediately suffers Trauma.21 Herb with the Irritant Trait, 1 Herb with the Restorative Trait
Madman's RushAdvancedInhalant PowderSlow Poison. Target instantly becomes Inspired and permanently gains or increases a Compulsion to seek out and use this drug (Addictive).31 Herb with the Excitant Trait, 1 Herb with the Restorative Trait
SporedustAdvancedInhalant PowderBy gesturing at a target in melee range, the user may call Poison Shock on the target and suffer a Poison Shock themselves.31 Herb with the Irritant Trait, 1 Herb with the Immune Shock Trait
See-StarsAdvancedInhalant PowderBy gesturing at a target in melee range, the user may call Poison Stun on the target and suffer a Poison Stun themselves.31 Herb with the Irritant Trait, 1 Herb with the Mindburner Trait
Guilt's ReprieveAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, the target lowers the severity of one of their insanities by one for the rest of the Period.21 Herb with the Focus Aid Trait, 1 Herb with the Apathetic Trait
Rogalian SaltAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, target gains a Toughness call they may use against Poison for the rest of the Period or until used.21 Herb with the Fortifier Trait, 1 Herb with the Intoxicant Trait
Velvet ChainAdvancedInhalant SmokeSlow Poison 2. After five minutes of exposure, target may ignore the effects of Despair, Miserable and Trauma for the rest of the Period. Target permanently gains or increases a Compulsion to seek out and use this drug (addictive). 21 Herb with the Addictive Trait, 1 Herb with the Pleasant Trait
Cyaniel's ShroudAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, the target gains the effects of Terrible Intellect for one hour. At the end of the hour, they lose their memory of the events of the last hour.21 Herb with the Neurotoxin Trait, 1 Herb with the Apathetic Trait
SoulflightAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. The next time the target sleeps, they will dream vividly of subjects important to them. This drug is often combined with Prayers for Providence. The target loses the effects of Light Sleeper for the rest of the Period.21 Herb with the Soporific Trait, 1 Herb with the Hallucinogen Trait
RevivifierAdvancedInhalant SmokeSlow Poison 2. After fifteen minutes of exposure, the target may Recover from being Exhausted.21 Herb with the Restorative Trait, 1 Herb with the Pleasant Trait
Villain's GripAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, target gains a Severe Strength Affliction.22 Herbs with the Relaxant Trait, 1 Herb with the Intoxicant Trait
Liquid LethargyAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, target gains a Severe Speed Affliction.22 Herbs with the Paralytic Trait, 1 Herb with the Intoxicant Trait
Rogalian PepperAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, target gains a Severe Fortitude Affliction.22 Herbs with the Immune Shock Trait, 1 Herb with the Intoxicant Trait
Wizard's WeightAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, target gains a Severe Intellect Affliction.22 Herbs with the Neurotoxin Trait, 1 Herb with the Intoxicant Trait
SoulblindAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, target gains a Severe Faith Affliction.22 Herbs with the Depressant Trait, 1 Herb with the Intoxicant Trait
Dark ChillAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, target gains a Severe Resolve Affliction.22 Herbs with the Mindburner Trait, 1 Herb with the Intoxicant Trait
Brawler's BaneAdvancedApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.Slow Poison. After thirty minutes, target gains a Severe Strength Affliction.22 Herbs with the Relaxant Trait, 1 Herb with the Apathetic Trait
FootbinderAdvancedApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.Slow Poison. After thirty minutes, target gains a Severe Speed Affliction.22 Herbs with the Paralytic Trait, 1 Herb with the Apathetic Trait
Bloody TearsAdvancedApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.Slow Poison. After thirty minutes, target gains a Severe Fortitude Affliction.22 Herbs with the Immune Shock Trait, 1 Herb with the Apathetic Trait
Thought EraserAdvancedApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.Slow Poison. After thirty minutes, target gains a Severe Intellect Affliction.22 Herbs with the Neurotoxin Trait, 1 Herb with the Apathetic Trait
Lethia's LamentAdvancedApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.Slow Poison. After thirty minutes, target gains a Severe Faith Affliction.22 Herbs with the Depressant Trait, 1 Herb with the Apathetic Trait
DeathfearAdvancedApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.Slow Poison. After thirty minutes, target gains a Severe Resolve Affliction.22 Herbs with the Mindburner Trait, 1 Herb with the Apathetic Trait
StonetoothAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. Target must spend a Discipline to consume this due to the foul taste and it cannot be hidden. After one hour, the target may recover from a Severe Strength Affliction. Target gains one Discomfort for the Chapter.21 Herb with the Steroid Trait, 1 Herb with the Foul Trait, 1 Herb with the Antidote Trait
Quicksilver ChewAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. Target must spend a Discipline to consume this due to the foul taste and it cannot be hidden. After one hour, the target may recover from a Severe Speed Affliction. Target gains one Discomfort for the Chapter.21 Herb with the Stimulant Trait, 1 Herb with the Foul Trait, 1 Herb with the Antidote Trait
RootbloodAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. Target must spend a Discipline to consume this due to the foul taste and it cannot be hidden. After one hour, the target may recover from a Severe Fortitude Affliction.21 Herb with the Fortifier Trait, 1 Herb with the Foul Trait, 1 Herb with the Antidote Trait
Scholar's PhilterAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. Target must spend a Discipline to consume this due to the foul taste and it cannot be hidden. After one hour, the target may recover from a Severe Intellect Affliction. Target gains one Discomfort for the Chapter.21 Herb with the Nimblemind Trait, 1 Herb with the Foul Trait, 1 Herb with the Antidote Trait
Penitent's TinctureAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. Target must spend a Discipline to consume this due to the foul taste and it cannot be hidden. After one hour, the target may recover from a Severe Faith Affliction. Target gains one Discomfort for the Chapter.21 Herb with the Clarifier Trait, 1 Herb with the Foul Trait, 1 Herb with the Antidote Trait
Coward's ResolveAdvancedIngestedSlow Poison 2. Target must spend a Discipline to consume this due to the foul taste and it cannot be hidden. After one hour, the target may recover from a Severe Resolve Affliction. Target gains one Discomfort for the Chapter.21 Herb with the Focus Aid Trait, 1 Herb with the Foul Trait, 1 Herb with the Antidote Trait
SublimationMasterworkN/AUsing this technique, a Master Apothecary may sub,imate a Malefica Bezoar into an herb with a single rare herb trait. Choleric becomes Mytheine, Phlegmatic becomes Rubenon, Melancholic becomes Felluric and Sanguine becomes Alerrant.31 Malefica Bezoar
Vecatra's VenomMasterworkApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.A skilled user may call Poison Strike 2 immediately after a Hit, even if the Hit was successively defended.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort2 Herbs with the Immune Shock Trait, 1 Herb with the Felluric Trait
Last CallMasterworkApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.A skilled user may call Poison Blackout 2 immediately after a Hit, even if the Hit was successively defended.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort2 Herbs with the Paralytic Trait, 1 Herb with the Felluric Trait
Twin EdgeMasterworkInhalant PowderBy gesturing at a target in melee range, the user may call Poison Strike on the target and suffer a Poison Strike themselves.4 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort1 Herb with the Irritant Trait, 1 Herb with the Immune Shock Trait, 1 Herb with the Rubenon Trait
Black LullabyMasterworkInhalant PowderBy gesturing at a target in melee range, the user may call Poison Blackout on the target and suffer a Poison Strike themselves.4 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort1 Herb with the Irritant Trait, 1 Herb with the Paralytic Trait, 1 Herb with the Rubenon Trait
Third EyeMasterworkIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, all effects of theorems cast by the target are doubled for the rest of the Chapter. The target permanently gains or increases a Compulsion to seek out and use this drug. (addictive) This drug is known to cause Anacrusis more frequently.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort1 Herb with the Restorative Trait, 1 Herb with the Nimblemind Trait, 1 Herb with the Mytheine Trait
GripfluxMasterworkIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, the target gains the benefits of the Anacrusis Resistance perk for the rest of the Period. This has no effect if the target already has this perk. 3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort1 Herb with the Fortifier Trait, 1 Herb with the Focus Aid Trait, 1 Herb with the Mytheine Trait
Miracle TeaMasterworkIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, the target may ignore the effects of Battered and Injuries for the rest of the Period. If they suffer two Injuries, they are still Downed.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort1 Herb with the Restorative Trait, 1 Herb with the Stimulant Trait, 1 Herb withe Alerrant Trait
Lurian's KissMasterworkIngestedSlow Poison 2. After ten minutes, the target becomes Dying.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort1 Herb with the Undetectable Trait, 1 Herb with the Antidote Trait, 1 Herb with the Felluric Trait
Iron BloodMasterworkIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, the target gains one Toughness call vs Poison per Rest for the rest of the Chapter.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort2 Herbs with the Fortifier Trait, 1 Herb with the Alerrant Trait
Calm the StormMasterworkIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, the target may lower one Insanity by two levels of Severity for the rest of the Period.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort2 Herbs with the Focus Aid Trait, 1 Herb with the Mytheine Trait
Njordbreaker AleMasterworkIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, target gains a Crippling Strength Affliction.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort3 Herbs with the Relaxant Trait, 1 Herb with the Rubenon Trait
Basilisk StewMasterworkIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, target gains a Crippling Speed Affliction.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort3 Herbs with the Paralytic Trait, 1 Herb with the Rubenon Trait
HeartstopperMasterworkIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, target gains a Crippling Fortitude Affliction.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort3 Herbs with the Immune Shock Trait, 1 Herb with the Rubenon Trait
MindcrushMasterworkIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, target gains a Crippling Intellect Affliction.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort3 Herbs with the Neurotoxin Trait, 1 Herb with the Rubenon Trait
Thorn's TouchMasterworkIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, target gains a Crippling Faith Affliction.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort3 Herbs with the Depressant Trait, 1 Herb with the Rubenon Trait
GuardsbaneMasterworkIngestedSlow Poison 2. After thirty minutes, target gains a Crippling Resolve Affliction.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort3 Herbs with the Mindburner Trait, 1 Herb with the Rubenon Trait
MylingbladeMasterworkApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.Slow Poison. After thirty minutes, target gains a Crippling Strength Affliction.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort3 Herbs with the Relaxant Trait, 1 Herb with the Felluric Trait
BlacksnareMasterworkApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.Slow Poison. After thirty minutes, target gains a Crippling Speed Affliction.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort3 Herbs with the Paralytic Trait, 1 Herb with the Felluric Trait
TrollsbaneMasterworkApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.Slow Poison. After thirty minutes, target gains a Crippling Fortitude Affliction.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort3 Herbs with the Immune Shock Trait, 1 Herb with the Felluric Trait
Wizard's DoomMasterworkApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.Slow Poison. After thirty minutes, target gains a Crippling Intellect Affliction.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort3 Herbs with the Neurotoxin Trait, 1 Herb with the Felluric Trait
Silent GodMasterworkApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.Slow Poison. After thirty minutes, target gains a Crippling Faith Affliction.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort3 Herbs with the Depressant Trait, 1 Herb with the Felluric Trait
Searing DoubtMasterworkApplied to a weapon during a Rest. Useable by a wielder who can call Conditions.Slow Poison. After thirty minutes, target gains a Crippling Resolve Affliction.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort3 Herbs with the Mindburner Trait, 1 Herb with the Felluric Trait
NorthbloodMasterworkIngestedSlow Poison 2. Target must spend a Discipline to consume this due to the foul taste and it cannot be hidden. After one hour, the target may recover from a Crippling Strength Affliction. Target gains one Discomfort for the Chapter and one Despair.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort1 Herb with the Steroid Trait, 1 Herb with the Alerrant Trait, 1 Herb with the Antidote Trait
Elven CaressMasterworkIngestedSlow Poison 2. Target must spend a Discipline to consume this due to the foul taste and it cannot be hidden. After one hour, the target may recover from a Crippling Speed Affliction. Target gains one Discomfort for the Chapter and one Despair.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort1 Herb with the Stimulant Trait, 1 Herb with the Alerrant Trait, 1 Herb with the Antidote Trait
Dunnick WisdomMasterworkIngestedSlow Poison 2. Target must spend a Discipline to consume this due to the foul taste and it cannot be hidden. After one hour, the target may recover from a Crippling Fortitude Affliction. Target gains one Discomfort for the Chapter and one Despair.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort1 Herb with the Fortifier Trait, 1 Herb with the Alerrant Trait, 1 Herb with the Antidote Trait
Sage's Last GaspMasterworkIngestedSlow Poison 2. Target must spend a Discipline to consume this due to the foul taste and it cannot be hidden. After one hour, the target may recover from a Crippling Intellect Affliction. Target gains one Discomfort for the Chapter and one Despair.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort1 Herb with the Nimblemind Trait, 1 Herb with the Mytheine Trait, 1 Herb with the Antidote Trait
Lion's BloodMasterworkIngestedSlow Poison 2. Target must spend a Discipline to consume this due to the foul taste and it cannot be hidden. After one hour, the target may recover from a Crippling Faith Affliction. Target gains one Discomfort for the Chapter and one Despair.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort1 Herb with the Clarifier Trait, 1 Herb with the Mytheine Trait, 1 Herb with the Antidote Trait
Angel's SpineMasterworkIngestedSlow Poison 2. Target must spend a Discipline to consume this due to the foul taste and it cannot be hidden. After one hour, the target may recover from a Crippling Resolve Affliction. Target gains one Discomfort for the Chapter and one Despair.3 Effort, 1 Masterwork Effort1 Herb with the Focus Aid Trait, 1 Herb with the Mytheine Trait, 1 Herb with the Antidote Trait