Luisant Folkwisdom


Stonewise- Traverser Les Profondeurs, Crossing the Depths

In the darkest depths of winter, curling up by the fire surrounded by loved ones with a belly full of warm food is one’s only desire. Unfortunately, this hellish season of ice and snow is the only time at which the Stonewise can venture out to the sole chalk deposit in a day’s walk of Luisant. Lying in the midst of a great lake, it is only reachable when the lake freezes solid in winter, and the miners must make their careful way across it to bring back chalk used to make quicklime for the onerous process of iron smelting. 

Custom: Stonewise folk report to Logistics at the beginning of game for a Trial time. The Stonewise bring back enough chalk to make the lime needed for smelting, enough to last until next winter. 

Success+1 Bounty, Stonewise who participate earn a Folkwise Achievement. 

Failure: -1 Bounty, Smelting is more difficult and this year’s iron quality is worse. 

Beastwise- Combattez Les Ténèbres, Fight the Darkness

During the darkest and coldest of nights, if light can be found it must be treasured. 

While the Woodswise tend the Sacred Flame, the Beastwise prepare to defend it. The Beastwise of Luisant light paths for the dark creatures to follow out of the forest to the fire and into the stalwart swords of the Beastwise. Those who are not trained in combat stand by to assist fighters with bandages and warm drinks, or are encouraged to take up a sword for the first time if they wish. 

Following the death of Affame in the past year, the Beastwise of Luisant are considering holding a memorial for the great bear who is no longer here to terrorize them. 

Custom: Beastwise folks light the forest paths and defend the Sacred Flame.

Success: +1 Bounty. The Beastwise who participate are filled with joy and camaraderie, and may remove 1 Despair.
Failure: -1 Bounty

Woodswise- Fete de la Flamme Sacree, Festival of the Sacred Flame

It is the time of year when the Night grows strongest, creeping into the daylight hours and sapping energy and time. It is a reminder that the Night itself is a time of evil, that the world is broken and full of fear and pain which is personified in darkness. 

On this, the longest of nights, it is an ancient tradition of human defiance to bring light to the darkness and cherish it until the Sun shows his face again, reaffirming the birthright of Mankind: that good is inevitable and light will triumph through any darkness.

As they huddle over the fire against the cold of winter, the people of Luisant reflect on the past and look forward into the future. The woodswise steep tea in a pot large enough to be served to all participants. The woodswise traditionally ask priests of the town to bless the flame, but this sacred flame draws dark things out of the woods that must be guarded against. 

Custom: Those who are Woodswise, and any others who wish to participate, build a blessed fire at sunset and steep tea over it. The fire must be kept burning for an hour and defended from any monsters that attempt to attack it. The tea leaves that result from this folkwise may be used to divine the truth about the past, present, or future, or to settle a troubled soul.

Success: The tea leaves that result from this folkwise may either be used to submit a Task that contains a question about an element of an existing plot or past occurrence, or to resolve one Malefic.
Additionally, +1 is added to the Bounty of the Woodwise’s choice.

Failure: Everyone in town starts the next game with Despair

Hearthwise- Partage Du Foyer, Sharing of the Hearth

As dusk settles and the world succumbs to the icy grip of night, the Hearthwise invite all to gather in the tavern and fill the longest night with light instead. This gathering is not just a feast; it is a sanctuary, where the flickering hearth and dancing candlelight illuminate not only the faces of those assembled but also the communal spirit that transcends the cold darkness outside. No soul is turned away, and the bonds of camaraderie that are forged here defy the chill of the season. This new tradition is a testament to the hospitality of Luisant and the skills of the Hearthwise. As this  takes place during the guarding of the Sacred Flame, it is intended for the celebration to move outdoors around the fire as the kindly Hearthwise provide the Beastwise and Woodswise with food.

Custom: The Tavern around lunch or dinner is decorated with an invitation to all those who seek shelter, and meals are made to share amongst friends and strangers alike. Nobody is turned away. The Hearthwise gather fruits and vegetables and meat and create a Hearty Meal to share amongst the people with the help of a local cook. Players are encouraged to represent this with real food!

Success: Any Hearthwise who participate earn a Folkwise Achievement, and all who participate gain the devotion, Order: Luisant for the remainder of the market or until they earn a personal achievement, whichever comes first. Any player who wishes to provide real food for this Folkwise will gain a Folkwise Achievement.

Failure: -1 Bounty, as the town bickers and those left in the cold steal and sabotage the crops.


Stonewise- Maçons Aveugles, Blind Masons

Mining is the most dangerous profession in Luisant by far. Getting lost in the bogs or taking an ill-considered step can cost you your life, and to avoid the worst happening, miners never work alone. They walk on carefully marked and well-maintained paths through the bogs, and each miner has their own special whistle as they work; if they stop hearing a team-mate’s whistle, they know there is trouble. Teamwork is essential to providing vital ore and more importantly, coming home safely. Thus, every year the Stonewise group together to practice coordinating as a team and celebrate the start of a successful year and the coming days of summer. 

If there is one or fewer Stonewise characters, the Blind Mason fails.

Custom: Miners and any other Stonewise characters gather together to lay out a maze using rocks, sticks, or even weapons, and one by one must walk through blind-folded while the group shouts directions at them. The maze is changed slightly between each person. 

Success: Each Stonewise participant gains the ability to re-form a temporary Morale team for a Trial with a Leader of their choosing, as per Morale, once per event for the rest of the year. The team reverts back to its previous order after the Trial.

Failure: -1 Bounty

Hearthwise- Le Chat Blanc de la Lune, The White Cat of the Moon

Once upon a time, when the moon bloomed full and bright in the spring sky, folks whispered tales of planting seeds under its luminous gaze. They believed it brought not just a good harvest, but luck aplenty for the year ahead. Legend has it that the spirit of the moon, a majestic white cat, tiptoed through the fields on those enchanted nights. If a clever farmer could coax this spirit’s attention with offerings of food, their crops would flourish like never before. As the moonlight danced on the earth, other forest creatures would emerge to partake in the feast, drawn by the scent of generosity. The wise farmer, ever vigilant, must ensure harmony among the hungry guests and set aside a share for the gracious White Cat of the Moon.

Custom: The Hearthwise find a glade or meadow where the full moon’s light can shine, and array some treats to lure out the forest creatures, with one share set aside. The Hearthwise must keep peace among the creatures as they eat their share. 

Success: +1 Hearthwise Bounty, Folkwise Achievement for all Wise characters who participate
Failure: -1 Hearthwise Bounty

Beastwise- La Chasse aux Oeufs, The Egg Hunt

When the last snows of Winter are melting, the birds of the forest begin to stir, build their nest, and lay their eggs… a lot of eggs. The Chanteuse bird has a particularly beautiful song, and is particularly romantic, leading to a very zealous mating season. If the Beastwise are not diligent in gathering plenty of eggs, the forest would soon be overwhelmed with the noisy things.

The hunters must go through the forest seeking out the nests along the ground near the base of trees, gathering up the eggs to make a grand meal later in the holiday. There are some folk who try and hatch and raise the Chanteause to have little songbirds of their own, but its a tricky thing to find which eggs are healthy enough. While the eggs are extremely delicious and coveted, the hunters must be careful not to collect *all* of the eggs, lest the population be suppressed too much.

Custom: The Beastwise hunters must seek nests in the forest, gathering some eggs from them but not all. 

Success: The Beastwise hunters may choose to either use them in a Sunday morning Feast, feeding one person per egg used to make the Feast, or to use an egg to try and hatch it to have their own Songbird.

Failure: -1 Bounty, the forest is noisy and covered in bird droppings.

Woodswise- Foire aux fleurs et aux chants, Fair of Blossom and Song

Celebrated in early spring, this holiday calls all of the town to come together to say goodbye to the hardships of winter and welcome the warmth and bounty of spring. As the land awakens with the scent of blooming flowers and the air is filled with the song of the returning birds, and the people of Luisant follow suit. All the frugality of the winter is left behind and the townsfolk bring out all they had stored. 

Winemakers, pastry chefs, and bakers of all kinds bring out their finest goods to determine the best vintages and recipes for the new year. Egg collecting baskets are woven and decorated. All townsfolk are welcome to weigh into the competitions, but the winning ribbons are awarded by the Spring Sovereign. 

Custom: The Spring Sovereign is the individual deemed most integral in the town’s survival through the winter. This person will be held in high honor for the entire festival – their every desire fulfilled and they are the final judge of all competitions. They also oversee the resolution of any town conflicts that persisted through the winter, so that those issues may be put to rest for this new season. Yard games such as cornhole, croquette, bocce, and such are played. A maypole is erected, and songs are shared by the light of the fire in the evening. Contests of all kinds are held, with the winners gaining accolades and much sought after titles granted by the Spring Sovereign. Some of these titles include:

  • Tete de la Mode: The one who makes the flower crown chosen by the Spring Sovereign.
  • The Vigneronne/Vigneron: Winemakers bring in a bottle of their finest vintage to be judged.
  • Tefe de la Fete: The winner of a battle of wits.
  • Papa-gâteau: Maker of the finest pastries. 
  • Lightfoot: The swiftest runner in town.

Success:  Anyone who wins one of the contests gains the accolades of the whole town and by referencing their winning title they may call Obey “Assist Me” on any member of the town once per scene. The winner retains this title and power until they are bested in the arena of their title.

Failure: -1 Bounty, should the Woodwise fail to facilitate the holiday


Stonewise- Offrire un Voix, Offer A Voice

The summer heat brings monotony and exhaustion, and at the end of a long day when work must still be done, what better way to motivate each other than by making a party out of it?

During the time of Offer a Voice, the contributions of each family of Luisant are recognized. The Stonewise and any others who wish to participate wear exaggerated garb and take on dramatized mannerisms of Lineages that they do not belong to for the duration of the evening celebration. Despite its humorous nature, this custom is intended to spark thought and conversation on the different benefits each family brings to Luisant, and the many strengths the town has at its disposal. Rewards and gifts are given to those who have the most humorous or thought-provoking imitations. 

During the celebration, those who have died in the past year are also commemorated by the Stonewise as they decorate the graveyard in honor of new and future dead. All sorts of decorations are common; lights, flowers, clean bones, and other, stranger items are all welcome.

Custom: Stonewise folks host a party on Saturday night. They wear the garb and mannerisms of other Lineages and decorate the graveyard after the festivities have concluded, or after everyone is drunk.

Success: Any Stonewise who performs the custom earns a Folkwise Achievement. Other participants who perform the custom may take on a secondary Devotion of Order: [Lineage] that lasts until they achieve a Person Victory for that Devotion or the end of the gathering. 

Failure: After a failed or non-existent Offering of Voices, the spirits of the ancestral dead are more likely to rise and walk, creating new Malefic.

Beastwise- Chasse au Cerf Blanc, the White Stag Hunt

High summer calls to the blood, and the blood answers. The earth hungers under the hot sun, crops languishing and men thirsting, craving the soft rain of water and blood- from the womb, from the hunt, from the sky. Under cover of darkness and the watchful eye of the moon, the hunters of Luisant gather to enact the hunt of the White Stag, a single chosen one pursued by their fellows until they can be brought down and dragged back to the town for a feast- all in play-acting, of course. Some of the elders speak of darker traditions and more desperate times that begot this custom, but these days it is nothing more than a light hearted pantomime. 

Custom: Beastwise Hunters and any other characters who wish to participate gather to perform a mock ‘training’ hunt. The person playing the role of the Beast wears a White Stag mask and traditionally a white or light-colored cloak. Armed with blunted weapons, a bow and padded arrows, or their bare hands, the Hunters give the Beast a head start of about five minutes to hide from its pursuers. Some bounds are usually agreed upon; no climbing up trees, absconding into buildings, or roaming farther than an agreed upon radius are common rules. The Beast may use any Defense calls they have at their disposal. If cornered the Beast may turn on the Hunters and lash out so it can resume its evasions. During the chase is considered bad form for the Beast to lay in ambush or aggressively attack the hunters causing Failure. If the Beast has been taken down within the span of one Hour, it is brought back to the tavern for a Feast.
Note: Staff will provide the White Stag garb.

Success, should the hunters win: All Beastwise participants gain a Folkwise Achievement with the hunter who deals the ” fatal blow” also earning a Personal Victory

Success, should the Beasts elude the Hunters: +1 Bounty and a Personal Victory

Failure: -1 Bounty

Woodswise- La Course aux Sorcières, The Witch Race

During high Summer when chimneys are not in use, it is the perfect time to get on the roof and sweep them clean- a distasteful job to be sure, but one that must be done to prevent clogged chimneys and their nasty side effects. Since this sweeping leaves the brooms ragged beyond repair, it is also important that new brooms be crafted. Those who are Woodwise know just what sort of branches and twigs make good brooms. However, the Woodswise should take heed- the best sticks and branches for this purpose are often coveted by other creatures of the forest who may wish to use them for their own nests and dens. 

When the broomsticks are made they need to be put to the test – by sweeping the floor, yes, but also by La Course aux Sorcières (The Witch Race)! There is no real witchcraft involved, of course; it is all in good fun.

Participants are encouraged to dress as witches to mount one of the new broomsticks and follow a course set for the race, marked by ribbons. Upon crossing the finish line, racers are met with cheers. 

Custom: Woodwise should find sticks and craft brooms using a crafting station Staff will set up. Once crafted, the participants should race through a course while “riding” their new broom.*

Success: The broom used by the winner of the Witch Race acts as a +1 Luxury Item. Those Woodwise who participate in the race earn a Folkwise Achivement.

Failure: -1 Bounty

Hearthwise- La bénédiction des conséquences, the Blessing of Aftermath

A tradition set during Summer where the last harvest of wheat, rye and hops of last year are donated for the brewing of a barrel of ale that’s buried under the tavern and not to be opened until the fields are set and the first seeds are sewn in the ground. Afterwards the barrel is dug up and opened, with each farmer being given first cups in celebration of their hard work and thanks for the harvest.

Custom: The Hearthwise gather enough vegetables together to create a barrel of wine and bury it beneath the tavern. Each character participating in the Hearthwise places a wish inside a box with slips of paper to be buried alongside it, in hopes that the offering will help make it come true.

Success: The blessings of the town’s wishes inspire people to work harder for their success, +1 bounty
Failure: The dismay of the town and the broken promises ripple through, creating malaise and inflicting Despair on all Folkwise PCs  at the beginning of the next market.


Stonewise- Taxe du Kobold, Tax of the Kobold

Kobolds are rarer now than in ancient times, but the mention of the creatures brings a curl of hatred to any miner’s lip. The presence of kobolds is associated with bad luck and a bad harvest, and they are blamed for most incidents in the bogs, including those which would otherwise be attributed to carelessness or natural accidents. 

Nevertheless, to remind the village of the dangers of such a creature, each year those who are Stonewise dress up one of their own as the village kobold. The rest of the miners escort the ‘kobold’ about the Feasting Grounds, boisterously demanding taxes from the populace. They will leave them alone upon receiving an offering (no matter how small). The Taxe du Kobold (Tax of the Kobold) is used as the prize money for the Jouer de Gorger eating contest.

Custom: Stonewise folks and miners dress up one of their number in a kobold costume, and accompany them as they demand the Tax of the Kobold from the villagers. 

Success: Good spirits and fortune favor the mines! +1 Bounty

Failure: Kobolds are at fault for a rash of bad luck in the mines. -1 Bounty 

Beastwise- Fletchingcrest

As the lean days of ice and snow approach, Luisant will rely ever more on meat and what herbs grow in winter for a source of food. The gatherers and hunters of the village take this responsibility seriously, and as winter grows near, the hunters train and hone their skills, ensuring that they will be ready to provide for their community when the wolves howl near the door and the deer grow lean and few. Thus, in the last days of autumn, the hunters prepare for winter. This is done traditionally with a training game that pits the hunters of the town into teams against each other trying to steal a token or flag from the other teams territory. While the Beastwise prepare the game and act as team leaders, anyone in town is encouraged to participate to make the game larger.

Custom: Beastwise folks prepare the game by dividing the Forest into two sides and determining the Boundaries of their hunting game. An equal number of legal hiding locations of the flag, or “dens” are chosen in each of the territories that both teams know about. Each team then chooses in secret which den to place their flag in for the game.

Any member of the opposing team who has been Grabbed and walked back to one of the dens is considered captured, only able to leave once they have been freed by a member of their team. Anyone who is Beastwise gains a special Grab call they may use during the game. Other players who have their own skills to Grab their opponents may use them as well. When any player is holding a Flag they must carry it visibly and may be Grabbed by any other player in the game, forcing them to drop the flag and be captured.

Once a single team has both flags in their Den, they are considered the winners of Fletchingcrest! The victorious team is then treated to a filling meal and allowed to bask in their success.

Success: Each Beastwise participant gains a Folkwise achievement. Every character on the winning team may partake in a special Feast together afterwards, without the usual Spice or Etiquette requirements or seating limitations.

Failure: Weakness in the community will make surviving the winter more difficult

Woodswise- L'adieu, The Farewell

When a blanket of red leaves carpets the ground and thoughts turn to the things that lurk in the dark, let them also turn to those who have departed. To those who have fallen to the earth, it is time to say goodbye and perform L’adieu. All living know that it can be difficult to let go of lost loved ones… but not all realize that it can be equally difficult for the spirits of the departed to let go themselves. On this evening, after our bellies are full, sacred incense should be lit. The spirits of the fallen are drawn to the smoke, and it is appropriate to leave offerings of things that they enjoyed while living (often wine, favored foods, favorite flowers, enjoyed music, etc). The living are invited to share fond memories of the departed.

All are invited to craft incense throughout the day (which will be used throughout the season after it dries), but it is important that during L’adieu it be kept smoldering by woodwise for an hour as the rising smoke is what guides the spirits of the departed to the afterlife when they bid their final farewell. The moment the final wisp of smoke goes out, woodwise end the ritual by ringing bells. If ever there is no sacred incense burning at any time in the duration of the ritual, any remaining spirits will be trapped and lost in the mortal world and are likely to become agitated. They are not guaranteed to become malefic, but only those who did not follow the smoke (by mistake or by intention) ever do. 

Custom: Woodswise should keep incense smoldering after dinnertime, extinguishing it and ringing their bells at midnight.

Success: Everyone present at midnight may lose one Despair, even if caused by the death of a Ward. This effect is negated if the spirit of the dead are present and do not wish to follow the smoke to heaven.

Failure: Uneasy ghosts linger in the forest, poisoning roots. Bounty -1, and hostile ghosts may be encountered in the woods.

Woodswise- La Course aux Sorcières, The Witch Race