Seeking workers

Lady Gale is seeking one laborer to build a hunting camp on her parcel. Please contact Lady Gale for details.

Additionally, Lady Gale is seeking to engage the services of a highly skilled hunter, capable of conducting antagonizing actions to improve the health of the animal populations available to hunters on her parcel.


If you have any knowledge of Malefic appearances in or around Stragosa, please come talk about it with Sir Ansel. The covenant of Nuraniel exists to help these tormented souls find peace, and protect communities from the dangers they can pose. Sir Ansel can be found at the South District Church, Doux Foudre Way 28-29.

Stragosa Financial Coordinator Announcement

Heard from the criers and posted on Notice Boards-

To the Nobility, Their Vassals, and City Officers,

Until such time as the position of Master of Coin is filled, the office of Financial Coordinator is unable to fulfill any new orders from the Nobility or their vassals. Additionally, all pending orders must be placed on hold until such a time as the vacancy is filled. Preexisting orders will receive priority in the que once normal operations resume.

In Service,
Corvo di Talmerin, Financial Coordinator of Stragos

A Notice to Nobles and Civil Servants

-Posted about town and heard from the town criers-

In light of the complications which were experienced with the newly implemented systems of item procurement for the nobility and civil servants, and due to the increased amount of time and effort cost to both the Master of Coin and to the Financial Coordinator the following procedures are to be effective immediately regarding requisitions for goods or resources from the treasury:

All requests by the Nobility and Civil Servants for Resources, Materials, Education, or Goods such as arms, armor, or tool kits, must be made to the Office of the Master of Coin, by way of the Financial Coordinator NO LATER than 2 weeks prior to the first day of Forum. This ensures that the Master of Coin and Financial Coordinator have adequate time to facilitate request of service to those individuals who have chosen Citizenship through donating their labor as craftsmen to the city.

Requests to the Financial Coordinator can be made by letter courier or messenger bird to the address Corvo(dot)di(dot)Talmerin(at)gmail(dot)com

In Service,
Corvo di Talmerin, Financial Coordinator of Stragosa

Notice About Town

-Posted about Town and heard from Town Criers-

To the Valued Nobles and Civil Servants of Stragosa!

If you are in need of any tools, individual wares, or gear with which to aid you or your retinue in the fulfillment of duties, please bring requests for these items to Messere Corvo di Talmerin, the new Financial Coordinator.

Requests will be taken by letter (Corvo (dot) di (dot) Talmerin (at) gmail (dot) com) or in person this upcoming Forum.

In Service,
Corvo di Talmerin, Financial Coordinator of Stragosa

Looking for Tavernkeeper or Aspiring Merchant!

The Southside District is waiting for You!

At the lovely location of 27 Nemesis Way, you will find a well built and ideal site to either ply your trade or stake a claim in the future of Stragosa’s prosperity.

A charming three story Tavern complete with some pre-furnished staples of your typical Tavern. A solid cedar bar and a slightly raised seating area ideal for exclusive guests to easily modified for a performer’s stage!

Up the stairs, you will find 10 cozy private or group suites. Some of the walls are light enough to be removed to open up group rental options while there is plenty of timber left to reinforce those walls so you don’t hear the chatter or your neighbor guests. This Tavern hosts three additional rooms which could be utilized for a number of varied and diverse purposes (no additional furnishing available for these rooms).

If you aim to set up shop, start an income property, or otherwise have a large group of friends who have their eyes on a more permanent residence in Stragosa please reach out the District Magistrate of the Southside to seek to rent or purchase this excellent Tavern (naming rights either temporary or permanent available).

Announcement About Filth Crisis

Good people of Stragosa,

The city is in Crisis. Filth piles in the streets and spoils our food, sickens the people, and attracts all manner of pests and pestilence. Residents starve and die, not for lack of food, but because these conditions are horrendous and all too often lethal.

Stragosa is prosperous and its wealthy citizens can solve this problem. For every 20 silver or 1 gold donated, a great Renewal Project can be enacted to flush the streets of Filth and save the people. The need is dire and the cost is high. The city needs 1400 silver or 70 gold to be clean once more.

During such a time of crisis, it is important that we remember we are all one. Mankind must help each other. Put yourself in the position of those suffering, for they are a part of you. In your soul you know it is right to help them, and the burden of not helping will pull you down toward Despair. To hoard in such a time of need is Deadliest Greed; Greed stemming from fear of being in the very circumstance that the poor are in right now. Those holding coin back, or consuming expensive goods such as Spice, while such a Crisis remains unresolved will be burdened by the guilt of this Deadly Sin.

You may donate coin directly to the Master of Coin and state your purpose or to the Church, represented by Congregator Renatus. The Church has asked the pious Lord Giovanni Giotolli to assist us with his great skill in arranging such projects. Those who make substantial contributions to saving the city from this scourge will be recognized as Heros of Stragosa.

Should Stragosa come together and solve this Crisis with coin to spare, the excess will be returned to donors in proportion to that which was given.

In the spirit of Hope and Charity,
Bishop Adeodatus
Diocese of the Defiant Light
As dictated to Sir Emeric Sanguine, Knight Protector of the White Lions

MoC Decree- Lumber and Forestry

(Posted and cried about town in various forms)

Let it be known that gathering wood of any kind within the Stragosa parcel is hereby forbidden until further notice.

-Master of Coin, Bakara.

(OOC- That is to say, the Forest nodes of Parcel 71 are off limits)

Arena Grand Opening

Citizens of Stragosa!

Dame Isabella Scordato and Sir Hezke von Heidrich invite all citizens of Stragosa and Silbran to the official opening of the arena in the Church District one week before the first day of the upcoming Late Spring forum. In celebration of the heroic reclamation, the Reichsgrafin and Dame Isabella will face off, one on one, in a fair and honest test of their skills in battle. In addition, the destruction of the vile monument will break ground to clear the way for a new monument to be unveiled at this year’s Night Lord Celebration.

Both brave combatants have sworn to donate their winnings to aid the poor of Stragosa and the surviving families of those who were lost during the occupation of the Church District.