Water Guild Seeks Laborers


The Water Guild of Stragosa seeks laborers to assist with a local project in improving their Magician’s Tower.

Should you find yourself able to assist, please make arrangements with Kaykavoos. Compensation available.

Emissary to the council of Stragosa

Food and Shelter in Stragosa


Citizens of Stragosa,

Let it be known that as of the start of winter in the year 604 of the age of the lion, the Small Council of Stragosa is taking a direct hand in ensuring those in need are going to be sheltered and fed through the coming long winter. This continues the good work done by the ‘Gothic Model’ and takes on some of the responsibility directly under the auspices of Stragosa.

Any law-abiding citizen of Stragosa registered by the census taker may reach out to the Master of Coin or Seneschal (Sir Kirsa Blackiron) or one of their duly appointed deputies in order to receive food for themselves and their families until the next forum. Similarly, any law-abiding citizen of Stragosa may reach out to any District Magistrate who has housing in their district and housed free of charge. In exchange, the city expects a small contribution in the form of labour or other resources that can be spared. If the labour has already been pledged to other worthy causes, or if you have recently already helped the city, no citizen will be turned away, of course. Please register your need now: you will be fed and sheltered, and at some point in the future you will be asked to help with the common good.

Additionally, Stragosa will renew its ‘citizenship’ system that was in use last spring and combine it with the cooperative approach of the ‘Gothic Model’ to ensure the needs of the citizenry are met. This means Stragosa will continue to reward citizens who aid Stragosa by performing tasks assigned to them by an officer of the city (such as census taking, tax collection, archeological investigations, or types of labour). In turn, urgently needed equipment or other assistance can be provided to those who contribute back to Stragosa. Continue reaching out to Sir Emeric Sanguine for instructions for how to contribute; he will receive pointers from the Seneschal and Master of Coin of how to direct those efforts. This is also a good time to recognize the continued activities of our census taker, Master Eloi, who has relentlessly worked to keep ensure the integrity of Stragosa’s citizenry.

As a reminder, the District Magistrates are: Lady Alexandra Gale (Church), Lady Patricia Underwood (Guard), Lord Pietro Giotolli (Well), Prince Korma Araga (South), and Princess Loredona Dilacorvo/Sir Marius (Market). The Library District is managed by the Seneschal at this time, but the previous District Magistrate was Lord Reinhart Sonnenheim, who has taken on the mantle of Lord Marshall.

Emich von Volksnand
Master of Coin


Questions Which Have Been Posed With Alarming Frequency and Thus Demand Answer

Q: How does my character get fed?
A: If your character has been registered on the census as residing in Stragosa and you have no other affiliations (visitor, Kuarlite, etc), just indicate in your downtime that you’re getting fed by Stragosa/the treasury. Please also let someone like the Seneschal, MoC, census taker, or Emeric Sanguine know know IG that you’re getting fed.

Q: How does my character get housed?
A: Most/all District Magistrates have buildings that can house player characters between forums. Reach out to your favourite DM in-game and ask if they’ve got room, and what the location is (city square/coordinate) that you can provide in your downtime. The DMs *shouldn’t* be charging your character anything for this privilege, but some of them are super shady I’ve heard.

Q: Are you gonna demand that I pledge all of my character’s resources to the city if I take you up on free food and housing?!
A: The ‘citizenship system’ had some privileges and perks and this is the most basic perk of contributing, but right now nobody is planning to strong-arm people who just want a warm bed. For now. Some of us are super shady.

Q: What’s this ‘gothic model’ thing of cooperative blah-blah?
A: An existing exchange of resources, labour and expertise (think ‘co-op’) is getting re-branded. Please reach out to the people who know more about it IG if you want to know more!

Housing Available, and a staffing opportunity

The Church District has townhouse space available for housing. Please speak to Lady Gale.

Additionally, Lady Gale is seeking a person trained in etiquette (Etiquette 3) to run the estate located in the Church District. Staffing this estate will include residence there as compensation.

Laborers and gatherers wanted

Lady Alexandria Vosslyn is looking for able bodied citizens with or without skill in gathering to assist her on her lands this end of the fall season and likely into winter. Compensation will be discussed based on skills or labor being contributed. For more information, please contact Lady Vosslyn at the Willowbrook estate.

Organizing the Harvest

Sent by crier into the fields:

“Sir Emeric Sanguine requests the brief attention of all farmers intent on harvesting over the next six weeks.

As the Lord of Reaping festival and it’s great success was unknown to me, we have not sown as much as we might have throughout the year

However, there is still a great deal of work to be done to feed Stragosa. The construction of Farming Villages and staffing of our food-producing buildings is of great importance.

If you would like me to help direct you, please reach out. I would love to be of service.”

Declaration of Triumph

A notice is posted at major notice boards and criers are set out to spread the declaration:

Upon my word, I, Sir Renatus of the Most Vigilant Order of Templars, do swear to journey to the front lines, to Blood Field province (Province 83) and bury the soldiers slain by the forces of the Triumvirate, to give them peace, and so prevent their souls from rising as maelific. This deed shall be completed by the conclusion of the season of Autumn and the onset of Winter.

Deus Vult!

Monsters: Hunters, Educators & Researchers Wanted

With the recent deaths during Hexxennacht, many citizens of Stragosa have become aware of the need to locate, research, fight, and resolve the various “monsters” in our city. Citizens have come to me with proposals to start libraries of knowledge on these topics, to assist with the Nuranihim maintainance of bestiaries, to become Nuranihim, or to start public classes on how to handle oneself in the face of the inhuman. Together, we will implement all of these ideas and policies to make Stragosa safer, and save the souls that are currently lost. If you have interest in these matters, but have not yet reached out to me, please contact me in person or by letter.

Sir Ansel Silvanus Rundelhaus
Knight Protector of the Ever Vigilant Order of Templars
Nightwarden of Stragosa

A Call to the Revived – Posted in Stragosa and Silbran

To Those Who Have Been Revived Upon the Miracle,

We should speak. Our experience is unique in all the world and I think it is worth exploring the effects and meaning of this. I welcome anyone of our company to visit me at the Bard’s College of Silbran, but I also know that it is a long way to travel for some. Let us meet at the Farmer’s Daughter near Eight Bells on the First Night.

Stay strong,


More positions available

In her capacity as Magistrate of the Church District, Lady Alexandra Gale is seeking persons interested in serving in one of the following positions, in order of priority:
Executioner-must be trained in the application of force to obtain compliance (Intimidate 2)
Stockkeeper-must have trained their body to resist disease and physical strain (grit 2)
Impresario-must be trained in the ways of creative performance (Performance 3) and money management (Mercentile 1)
Papermiller-must be knowledgeable in the production of paper (Papermilling advanced study)

Additionally, Lady Gale is seeking farmers for her land parcel beginning in Spring. She is also announcing the availability of her forest lands for the use of hunters and foresters beginning in Spring. Please notify Lady Gale of your desire to work on her lands and to reach an agreement on share of products.

On Wills and Testaments

Citizens and residents of Stragosa!

We live in a time of both possibility and danger. As we have sadly witnessed this past Forum, any among us may meet an unexpected end. Though Stragosa possesses the unique gift of the Miracle, its powers are limited, and hard decisions must always be made. Ultimate authority over the use of this gift is invested in the Rulership, but such decisions may be made with greater confidence if the desires of the fallen are known.

To this end, Mother Superior Xyandriel of the Lurihim exhorts all to consider carefully their wishes, and to make preparations by recording a Will and registering it with the Lurihim, who oversee matters of both life and death. In addition to the customary contents of a Will, you are encouraged to include your opinions and desires on the matter of the Miracle. These shall be delivered to the Rulership in the case of your demise.

In support of this endeavour, and so as to distribute the effort of recording, the Scriveners of Stragosa offer their services – to notarize Wills, and to write Wills at the dictation of those who are not literate. There will be no charge for this service.