“I thought that this was it, I thought I was through.”

“I thought that this was it, I thought I was through.”

It’s a difficult thing when the lies you tell yourself are stripped away. The family Le Blanc, now House Le Blanc, spoke long and lovingly of those who did what was necessary, even if it was difficult or distasteful. Sometimes the world is saved by the holy light of righteousness, and sometimes it is saved by a dirty dagger in the dark.

And here he was, in the dark and surrounded by many hands of the city. People in danger, people afraid, and many who are indifferent or past the point of feeling fear. All hands he wanted to put to work, if only it were clear how.

Teles’ own hands had been bloodied by what he had already accomplished, but now they had no strength. His mind had raced through the preparation beforehand, unhindered by doubt or fear. He started well, where had his resolve gone? The effort of staring through the bodies, choosing what to do and how to help in this grisly scene was possible, at least for a time.

But the creature was too hungry. Teles thought that he had known what wanting was, but this power wanted more than Teles had ever imagined. After almost an hour of grisly work, it faced him and spoke fear directly into his soul.

Teles’ heart quailed, and his mind reeled at what he heard. His only reply was to stop, to freeze, and to say “I thought that this was it. What more could I do?”

The long moment passed, and Teles was left alone with his shortcomings. A far cry from how he had imagined the moment, unchangeable now as it passed from fantasy to fact.

Henri says that we are not yet who we want to be. Is it a sin to pray that he is right?

Teles: the blank pages

Teles flips through his notebook, searching for the tax collector’s name.

There is a section with music notes, a section for town issues, a section for people. Between the dance calls and the dossiers, there are always blank pages.

Do lions eat daisies?

Which witch is which? The witches switched!

one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left. one daisy left.

My house is fallen, it’s naught but rubble.
each stone moved is one less trouble.
each stone carried off by a riddle,
one step built for a mind less brittle.


Teles looks up from his notes. “Ah, bonjour Aurien my cousin! Have you seen Cezanne? I think she has my pen.”

The Metalli of Stragosa

The Metalli of Stragosa were founded by three masters in the early days of the city, under Reichgraf Nemesis Dragomir.  These founders were Master Blacksmith Thorne Merkstave, Master Engineer Bakara Nefji, and Master Miner Borso.

Master Borso was named Guildmaster, and has held this title since the beginning.  The first Charters were Blacksmithing and Engineering, but the Metalli also bought the Carpentry charter when the woodworking guild of Stragosa closed. Members include these three professions, as well as miners, hunters, and foresters.

Officers tend to be fluid, organized around the passions and interests of the officer rather than a strict schedule.  Some recent Officers have been Market Officer Edme, who set prices and made sales markets, Education Officer Corvo, who found books and trainers for their members, and Gathering Officer Luca, who organized the guild’s gatherers.

Dues: At least some of the rumors of wealth must be true: Metalli members famously pay no dues, as declared in the Guild Song, recorded below. Borso himself shows signs of wealth and generosity, giving to the church at each Convocation.

Responsibilities:  The Metalli make few actual demands on their members, opting to entice them with profits instead of give orders.  Imperial Law is followed: no noble vassals are permitted to join, all work is of good quality, and prices are fixed and published. In this way, they are similar to many local “merchant guilds” in other cities, accepting all members in order to show a united front when negotiating with the city.

In addition, most members participate in what the guild calls “Ventures”, which are cooperative profit-seeking projects where several artisans work together.  A system of credits and shares ensures that those who put in money or commodities are repaid, and profit is shared.  These large Ventures set aside a share for the guild itself, which is how it finances its own operations and spares its members from official Dues.

The Metalli are reputed to be the wealthiest organization in the valley, even more than the city itself according to certain rumors. They will tell you that they achieved their wealth by this cooperation profit sharing spirit.

Jealousy abounds in the city at the group’s wealth, but it comes also with a grudging respect at the guild’s accomplishments. The organization has survived three Grafs, and the loss of the city’s bursary when it was sacked by Njords.

Some strife exists with the Nobility on the guild’s inclusion of gatherers such as Borso himself (a miner), as well as foresters and hunters. The nobles of Stragosa Valley have more land than people to work it. And while no charter exists for these skills, those who hold the land would surely prefer to order their vassals rather than negotiate with merchants.

Goals and Motivation:
The Metalli often say that they wish to “Build Stragosa Strong”, probably recognizing that if the valley is not secure and prosperous, then neither can be any guild within it.
The Metalli deal most frequently (but not exclusively) with the Hestrali nobles, working their lands and building their projects. It may be that a secret alliance exists, or just that those who are comfortable with coin tend to be first to agree to the Metalli’s terms.

Metalli Purchase Prices Fall 604

Eyyy! The Metalli prices are ready. Contact Borso if you’d like to make a transaction, or for a bulk discount!

(Borso gestures to a wooden board on the outside of the Metalli Guildhall, or a sheet of paper he carries with him)


Join the Metalli

Join the Metalli

Come and be part of making new tools for blasting malefic, equipping wildlands explorers and dungeon delvers, or build the first-ever ships of Stragosa!

The Metalli of Stragosa invites any free person not bound by oath as a vassal to come to Stragosa and join our guild. Blacksmiths, Carpenters, and Engineers will find their work protected by our charter. Free persons wishing to work the land as miners, foresters, or hunters will also find work and instruction. The most adventurous will find the most reward — and glory!

Applicants will be provided the use of appropriate Tools, and payments on any traveling expenses will be made for the duration of your membership in the guild.

Apprentices and those with no skill will discover excellent instruction, while Masters and Journeymen will find that there is much profitable work to be done.

Guildmaster Borso

The Operating of the Metalli

The Metalli
Hello, and thank you for reading my missive. My name is Guildmaster Borso, of the Metalli of Stragosa. I write to you today to let you know of opportunities for apprentices, journeymen, and masters in the miraculous City of Stragosa.

In particular, I am in need of enterprising Officers, as you will see in our descriptions. Here is some information about how the Metalli guild works, I hope you will find that it is an arrangement that creates equitable wealth for all members.
Membership and structure

We of the Metalli have three founding members, Myself (Master Miner Borso), Master Mechanist Bakara, and Master Blacksmith Thorn. Our first guild charters were blacksmithing and engineering, acquiring Carpentry when the Forestry Guild leadership departed Stragosa. We have maintained these three charters to the present day.

Metalli members pay no dues at all, and enjoy access to an internal guild bank and supply-house called The Trapeza**, which contains raw materials such as soft iron and heavy leather, or components such as hilts and straps. This same guild bank is the primary source of ready goods at the markets of Stragosa. It is the duty of our the Officer of the Trapeza to determine these prices and quantities.

Apprentices likewise pay no dues or fees, and are offered instruction at no further cost. We feel that the opportunity to work together for everyone’s benefit is enticement enough.
Guildmaster, Officers, and Organization

Members may of course make their own sales if they like, so long as they do not undercut prices for those goods that the Metalli choose to publish. These published prices are typically for the most common sales: locks, chests, swords, lanterns and the like.

Members who wish to have the freedom at market to pursue other goals may choose to sell their goods into the Trapeza, our guild bank, for the full value of the good, as guild credit (called Metallions). For example, if swords sell for four silver, members are able to sell their swords to the Trapeza for four Metallions. Likewise, components buy and sell at the same rates: if a carpenter sells a hilt to the Trapeza for one Metallion, a blacksmith may buy it for one Metallion.

Members at the start of Forum also indicate whether they would like the Officer of the Trapeza to find work for them, or are working on their own. This knowledge allows the Officer of the Trapeza to accept Contracts at the market for large orders or masterwork equipment.

At the end of Market, the Officer of the Trapeza passes these contracts to the guild members whose skills can complete them. At any time, but especially at the end of market, those members who wish to purchase items from the Trapeza with their Metallions may do so. At least some silver is available as a result of market sales, and may be “purchased” with Metallions in this way.
Members: No Dues, No Duties.
No particular service or duty is required of the members, apart from allowing the Metalli name to be on whatever contracts are completed. I believe that it is the purpose of the guild to make you money, not take you money.

I have openings immediately for Officers of the Trapeza, the Market, and of Furnishings. If the right candidates were to arrive, I also am interested in Officers of Training, Parcel Improvements, and finally (if such a special person exists), and Officer of Dangerous Ventures.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to seeing you in Stragosa.

Guildmaster Borso, de Metalli