Gren’s Goodbye

Neccio’s disappeared after last forum. He’d been up all night looking over his books feverish like, and morning of the third day, gone. I’m not sure what he’s gotten up to or into, but the money he paid me to stay is about to run out. I’ll stay to help on the farms like I promised. These people deserve to live a life outside of drudgery, but after that, south.
I’ve got more than enough stories to take home. Fact is they probably won’t believe half of them. What with vampires and old Lords coming back as ghosts to control the living. I’ll get drinks from the tales though, and good humor. I’ve just got to get Caterina to come back to tell them with me.
She nearly died this last forum. AGAIN. She went out into the woods with a group to fights vampires, and I come out not ten minutes later to her about to be offed by one of the creatures. This is the second time I’ve had to save her neck from the knife. I should have gone out in the first place. I’m just glad I wasn’t late. Others weren’t so lucky. Rest in peace Wolves.
Caterina has gotten attached to the cousins. She won’t go easy. Not until she believes they’ll be fine. If Embla and I can convince her that they’re settled here in the North though…and I can convince her the place isn’t safe, for US, I think I can get her back home. Where there’s warmth in your bones, and monsters in tales and not on your doorstep.
Oh! AND! I’ll be able to spit out some sounds when I get back. K-A-T! Won’t that surprise them all! These horns are a treat. For all this land takes, curious minds seem to make something of it. I suppose that’s what lured Neccio in the first place. Here’s hoping he comes back from wherever he’s gotten off to in one piece.

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