Buried in Stone

Walking through unfamiliar forests well past dark, I expected our travel to be mostly quiet. The creatures of the forest have work to do, preparing themselves to survive the winter. The noises of their work sound like the forests from my first home. I was not expecting creatures coming towards us in the clearing, with the stones of their ‘legs’ grinding against the stones of their ‘feet’ at every step. As if terrifying stone creatures were not enough, I was definitely not expecting THE WALLS THEMSELVES to grow arms and pull me in!

For a moment as they pulled me down, I was convinced I was home again, trying desperately to dig my way through the rubble. The darkness is…was all encompassing, and again I understand why Da insisted on repeating his instructions until I spoke them in my sleep. I know what to do when I am buried in stone. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and prepare once more to push and pull and scrape and climb. This time, I do not need to fight the fallen rocks. This time, I must fight the new heaviness in my limbs. This is not my first home, nor is it my second home. If we are to make this a third home, I have work to do.

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