Combat Doctrines
Some Combat Doctrines provide a Special Agent instead of a Special Unit. These Agents are Specialist Commanders, a kind of Tier 2 Military Agent, and must meet all the same requirements to recruit and use. If the Knight recruits these units, they automatically count as the Knight’s Ally, and only someone with the correct Combat Doctrine may recruit or serve as these Agents.
Campaign Advantage
Chaos of Battle is rolled with 3 6-sided Dice, discarding the lowest.
Special Forces

For the Duration of the Chapter, the targeted Force gains an Edge, cannot suffer Disarray, and cannot go Out of Supply if they received Rations last Chapter.
Campaign Advantage
The enemy Force immediately takes Despair when the battle begins.
Special Forces
Asp Archers

Opportunist: Fleeing, Lock-up
Cost: Valor, Bows x 2
Campaign Advantage
All Units with Ranged gain one free attack prior to the fight starting in any Conflict.
Special Forces

Ranged x3
Cost: Valor, Training, Military Bows
Campaign Advantage
Units that end the battle Fleeing are Destroyed.
Special Forces

Armor, Driving, Intimidating
Cost: Valor, Military Armor, Military Weaponry, Training
Campaign Advantage
Heavy Units automatically gain Well Armored and +1 Movement
Special Forces
Heavy Archers

Armor, Ranged, Driving
Cost: Valor, Military Armor, Military Bows x 2
Campaign Advantage
The enemy Formation is disrupted randomly at the start of the Conflict.
Special Forces

Stalwart, Intimidating
Cost: Valor, Training, Military Armor
Campaign Advantage
All Light Units gain Well-Armed
Special Forces

Lock-Up, Driving, Stalwart
Cost: Valor, Military Weaponry x 2
Campaign Advantage
All Units gain Stalwart and are immune to Intimidating.
Special Forces

Lock-Up, Stalwart
Cost: Valor, Military Armor, Military Weaponry
Campaign Advantage
Your units are immune to the negative aspects of the Blackpowder Trait.
Special Forces

Black Powder, Driving
Cost: Valor, Military Firearms x 2
Campaign Advantage
The Fortify Order does not cause Fatigue.
Special Forces
Siege Engineer

A Siege Engineer may turn 2 Lumber and 1 Stone into a Trebuchet Unit. Trebuchets are created where the Agent is stationed.

Ranged, Siege, Driving
Campaign Advantage
Formation will be Optimized for every Conflict.
Special Forces

Intimidating, Rally, Specialist
Cost: Valor, Training x 2
Campaign Advantage
Each Ration feeds 2 Units instead of 1.
Special Forces
Battle Aurochs

Intimidating, Armor
Cost: Valor, Training, Military Armor
Campaign Advantage
Allows use of Sabotage order
A Force within 3 Provinces of one of your Forces immediately enters Disarray.
Special Forces

Opportunist: Specialists, Driving
Cost: Valor, Military Bows x 2
Campaign Advantage
Units gain no penalties from, and gains Unseen, in Forests.
Special Forces

Ghost, Ranged
Cost: Valor, Training, Military Bows
Campaign Advantage
Units take twice as much damage to Destroy while Fleeing.
Special Forces

Armor, Stalwart, Lock-Up
Cost: Valor, Military Weapons, Military Armor x 2
Campaign Advantage
All Units gain the Lock-up Trait
Special Forces

Armor, Lock-up, Driving
Cost: Valor, Military Weapons x 2, Military Armor
Campaign Advantage
Gain use of the Lay Traps order.
Lay Traps
You may issue an Order to lay a series of traps in the Province you are staying in. These traps are considered Below Notice. If a Force, other than your own, moves over a Province with traps in them they will immediately enter Disarray and gain Despair. These traps will remain indefinitely until triggered.
Special Forces

Ranged, Intimidating
Cost: Valor, Training, Military Bows
Campaign Advantage
All Units gain Intimidating
Special Forces
Border Reavers

Ghost, Mounted, Flanking, Intimidating
Cost: Valor, Training x 2, Mounts
Campaign Advantage
All Units gain Driving
Special Forces

Cost: Valor, Training
Campaign Advantage
All Units gain Armor.
Special Forces

Armor x 2, Stalwart
Cost: Valor, Military Armor x 3
Campaign Advantage
Forces may move freely through enemy occupied territory.
Special Forces

Specialist, Ghost
Cost: Valor, Training x 2
Campaign Advantage
Special Forces

Specialist, Rally
Cost: Valor, Training
Campaign Advantage
Your Forces may move through Mountains and Mountain Passes for only 2 Movement and gain no penalties.
Special Forces

The Mountaineer may cause an avalanche or rock-slide in the targeted Mountain Province during a stated Warfare Phase. All Forces there or moving through there during that Phase, except for those with the Mining Combat Doctrine, immediately suffer a defeat.
Campaign Advantage
Gain the relevant Campaign Advantages of any Supporting Forces
Special Forces
Standard Bearers

Specialist, Mounted, Flanking, Rally
Cost: Valor, Training, Mounts
Campaign Advantage
Gain use of the False Flag order, Light Infantry in your Forces gain Well-Armored.
False Flag
You may issue an order to remake banners, tents and other signaling devices such that your Force appears in Surveillance Reports to be that of any other Army you choose. This does not hold up against the closer inspection of a Scout.
Special Forces

Cost: Valor, Training
Campaign Advantage
Unless the Force has Despair, it always has Hope.
Special Forces
Military Band

Specialist, Rally
Cost: Valor, Training
Campaign Advantage
Special Forces

An Emissary can target an Enemy Force that you are aware of and arrange for a safe parley between the Enemy Commander and the Knight. This is run as a Scene.
Campaign Advantage
Gain use of the Feint order.
You may issue an Order that creates a decoy Force within two Provinces of the one that gave this Order. This decoy Force will look exactly like your own in Surveillance Reports but will not stand up to the closer scrutiny of a Scout. Multiple decoys can be created, and last until the end of the next Chapter.
Special Forces

Cost: Valor, Training
Campaign Advantage
Gain use of the Espionage Order.
You may issue an Order against another Force within two Provinces of one of your Forces to discover the Orders their Commander issued this and last Chapter, the current location of their Commander, and the source of their Supply Lines.
Special Forces

Specialist, Ghost
Cost: Valor, Training
Campaign Advantage
Your Force does not need Supply Lines to receive their goods, and so they cannot be Raided.
Special Forces

Opportunist: Back Row, Intimidating
Cost: Valor, Training, Military Bows
Campaign Advantage
Gain use of the Provoke order.
You may issue an Order against an enemy Force within an adjacent Province to your own, overriding their original Order this round and forcing them to Attack your Force. Your Force gains an Edge in this Battle; this Order can be given by a Force that is lying in Ambush without spoiling that Order.
Special Forces

Ranged, Intimidating
Cost: Valor, Training, Military Bows
Campaign Advantage
Automatically see all Unseen features in your Forces’ Surveillance Range.
Special Forces

Specialist, Ranged
Cost: Valor, Military Bows
Campaign Advantage
Your Forces will never gain Despair and are immune to certain special effects of Triumvirate Forces.
Special Forces
Mithrihim Priests

Specialist, Armor, Rally x 2
Cost: Valor, Training x 2, Military Armor