Unseen, Unheard



“I am right here!” I shouted, to no avail. I even tried to catch those dirty mage’s attention, Useless! you’d think with all the disgusting magic they use they would be able to see or hear me. Maybe that’s the problem, being chased by the Faeries my whole life has turned me into this, distrusting, miserable. I even dragged my poor Husband into this life. How could he leave me like that! chasing shadows in the woods, did our life running from shadows teach him nothing? How could he abandon us!?

I have to find a way back to my children.

Late winter – Lion Age 609

Will this ever end? Seasons have changed, nobles have fallen, Why am I still here? Unseen, Unheard.

The faerie queen told it true when she said she wouldn’t harm me, I can’t even waste away from hunger or cold. I am forced to exist in this place between, this accursed place. I will take my end into my own hands.

“Torkeld, I am coming.”

and with that, the Fae queen’s revenge on Astrid is complete.

Don’t step on the Flowers

When I was young, I used to travel the woods near our home in Hrafnvik, my Ma and Da would send me out for forage to add to dinner. I always loved the woods, the birds, the deer, the squirrels.

Often I was alone.

Not paying attention to my surroundings.

I saw a beautiful selection of flowers before me, and as I moved closer to identify them, I tripped on a root and squished some of them flat, I could swear I heard a tiny screaming sound.

It must have been my imagination, I was pretty imaginative after all. I collected what I could and began to walk home, but this time…

The birds were gone, the squirrels had quieted, and the deer had fled.

I was all alone, until I wasn’t.

Before me stood a being, otherworldly and mysterious, not a person or a plant, but other. It berated me and I fled crying.

I was only a child, I knew not what I had done.

I am still running.

Facing My Fears

Hi Journal, sorry if my handwriting is bad. As you know I only learned to read after…The Incident… Leaving home was one of the hardest desicons, sorry! Decisions, I’ve ever made. I went as far from home as I could. Luckily I stumbled across Master Porter who offered me a job and took me even farther from home. Working for her Ladie, oops! Working for her Ladyship has been a dream come true! She’s the best boss and a noble who ensures us beneath her have what we need. I can only hope I don’t dissapoint her.
When Mr. Woodsmen was hired on, I worry my world will come tumbling down. His hometown is mine. Does he know what happend to my last boss? Does he know my parents!? Dear journal, I pray my little bit of happiness remains safe. I’ve made so many new friends, what will they think if they know what i’ve done? What I could do and how I’ve learnd-learned.
Wish me luck journal… The next forum is just around the corner. I will serve my lady well. I will serve my house well for as long as they will have me.